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[25 Sep 2017|12:35am]
[info]incestuousmod - his twin sons, aged around 37 (can go up to 40/down to 35) for specific lines.
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[25 Sep 2017|12:37am]
idk blame grease 2 but i'd love to do a shy boy meets cute boy way out of his league and goes in disguise to woo him. plenty of different scenarios we can do here, especially with halloween coming up! costumes from a halloween party, stage play, comic-con, even something superhero or scifi themed would be work. boys could be high school best friends, rivals, co-workers, brothers, one could be married, anything at all. long term wooing or short term smut is fine. i could play either role! not looking for cboys or strict bottom/top roles.
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[25 Sep 2017|03:02pm]
After the series finale last night I really want to play Jackson Whittemore or Stiles Stilinski in a slash line. Looking for anyone for Stiles and I'd love an Ethan for Jackson or Danny maybe? Also open to Derek Hale and Scott McCall crossovers welcomed.
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[25 Sep 2017|07:30pm]
I will get down and beg until I find someone to fill a sl for me! Slash and mpreg is involved.
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[25 Sep 2017|08:22pm]
Looking for the undergraduate that has a crush on this MA student/sex worker @ [info]rattlesnake. Open to any younger face! Have a few ideas to go along with it if you're interested.
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[25 Sep 2017|09:08pm]
[info]rattlesnake would still kill for the guys who work for Troy at his personal security business, and a BFF.
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[25 Sep 2017|10:09pm]
Alright, he's in at [info]knotties, but now he needs some company. Looking for omegas that he's helped through their heats, betas he's flirted with, and maybe another alpha that's caught his eye.
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[ viewing | September 25th, 2017 ]
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