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[18 Sep 2017|12:00am]
with gotham coming back, can i get a sean pertwee for something rick and morty inspired? open to others! comments screened.
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[18 Sep 2017|12:06pm]
[info]rainbowcreek his best friend, neighbors who live in the residential neighborhood, other couples for him and his husband to hang out, country club members to work out with or play sports
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[18 Sep 2017|12:32pm]
[info]rainbowcreek ok, i'll do this too! this guy's a doctor who verges between "kind and gentle" and "strict and yelling", depending on the kind of people he's dealing with (see: nice blokes vs pains in his ass). besides that he's at a self-imposed distance from society because the death of his entire family fucked him up good, so it'd be cool if there were nice people out there to remind him that there's nothing wrong with connecting with others and not everything ends in loss, haha.

his info is here. tl;dr he's technologically impaired, takes in too many animals for fostering, and married to his work. and is very bad at showing other people he cares even though he really does, deep down.

some wanted connections are a) his lab technician for his self-funded pathology lab; b) his pathologist mentor who he hates on the outside ("what are you doing here you're going to infect my office with your EXISTENCE" *sprays disinfectant at*) but would die for in reality; c) anyone to help his exploration into being bisexual, lmfao; and d) friends. just all the friends. come on. joel will remember all your birthdays and little friendship anniversaries because he's a sentimental fuck
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looking for a psl? [18 Sep 2017|12:59pm]
( Read more... )
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[18 Sep 2017|02:37pm]
taking this Frank Dillane pb to [info]rainbowcreek Info in his journal. Open to all lines right now!
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[18 Sep 2017|02:38pm]
Hoping I can get someone for my guy here over at rattlesnake. Jay is a member of the security team. Would love someone from Chicago PD or fire but open to others. Great game, friendly writers. Come join if you're not here.
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[18 Sep 2017|07:26pm]
does anyone play Pete Wentz or would be willing to? Or would play against one?
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[ viewing | September 18th, 2017 ]
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