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[14 Sep 2017|08:12am]
[info]rainbowcreek Bringing in a Marcus Isaacs pb (for those who know him) as a landscape worker and already brother in the game so I'd love some lines. Maybe with other porn stars? Bear buddies, hook ups, fwbs, maybe joining a threesome, give me something fun!
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[14 Sep 2017|02:22pm]
[info]rattlesnake lines for this client
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[14 Sep 2017|02:35pm]
lines for cap? heroes, villains, civilians etc.
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[14 Sep 2017|03:19pm]
[info]rainbowcreek can i get his husband?
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[14 Sep 2017|06:49pm]
Something sweet and domestic and also supernatural for a Mousa Kraish pb?
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[14 Sep 2017|11:44pm]
Would still love some of the guys who work for him @ [info]rattlesnake. Vets who want hot jobs as bodyguards for Vegas high rollers? You know you want in.
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[ viewing | September 14th, 2017 ]
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