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[31 Aug 2017|05:46am]
would someone consider a low key slash line against a specific drag queen? i already have her at a community, so i would love for someone to join for me!
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[31 Aug 2017|06:22am]
would someone play another boy against bieber? zayn, liam, shawn, joe, nick, machine gun kelly?
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[31 Aug 2017|08:03am]
[info]rattlesnake i've got a couple of ideas, someone help me narrow it down? my main idea is this dude as the straight guy that starts bartending at the ranch for some money and starts to realize that he's not as straight as he thinks he is, but i'm also thinking of stephen james or stefanos milatos as the security guard that's actually a complete softie and is only scary when he doesn't talk? or an older gentleman (martin freeman maybe?) that spends all his time and money at the ranch because he really has nothing better to do all day.
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[31 Aug 2017|12:01pm]
home all day today and tomorrow, looking for a slash pb psl. smut and plot please. long-term. check the journal. comment for a custom.
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[31 Aug 2017|07:48pm]
Slash lines Matt? pairings with other Avenged Sevenfold bandmates would be a bonus
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[31 Aug 2017|08:15pm]
i'm looking to play a high school student who heard a rumor that his teacher's gay. he's pursuing said teacher as a bet or dare from friends to see if it's true or not. i'd like to incorporate a few different themes into the line, which can be discussed. although i'm open to ideas for the teacher, my ideal faces would be jamie dornan, jon kortajarena, theo james, or another similar type.
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torchwood [31 Aug 2017|11:07pm]
Ianto Jones/Jack Harkness psl - Ianto returns, either as himself from an alternate dimension or thanks to something in his heritage that Jack had no clue about. Comment below or on my journal!
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