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[29 Aug 2017|05:35pm]
I've been dying for a PB college/young professionals line. Anyone looking for one?
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[29 Aug 2017|09:27pm]
A Sam Claflin, Jamie Dornan or some other similar posh/British face to join this kiddo at [info]rattlesnake. Someone who shares Cale's passion for extreme adventures, travel and expensive shit and with whom he might explore this romance thing with.
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[29 Aug 2017|10:07pm]
so i would really love to play a taika waititi/jemaine clement pb pairing, and i'm hoping there's someone who could indulge me in this otp. i'm actually open to using either face and have a different character idea in mind for each one, so i'm flexible if someone has a preference.

screened post in the journal if you need it.
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[ viewing | August 29th, 2017 ]
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