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[07 Jul 2017|10:12am]
Anyone interested in long lasting, super smut friendly PSLs? The games I'm in are all in a lull and don't seem to focus on writing. Threading or AIM either is fine, just want something lasting.
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[07 Jul 2017|03:38pm]
i know this will be a long shot, but would someone play jake bass, another porn model, actor, or musician against max ryder?
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[07 Jul 2017|04:23pm]
Something sweet, sexy, and smutty for Ed?
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[07 Jul 2017|04:29pm]
Younger guys to love, fuck, spoil and adore, please.
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[07 Jul 2017|05:10pm]
any chance someone would try slashing pete wentz?
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[07 Jul 2017|05:22pm]
A Winchester brother against an OC or a Dean for my Cas? journals or aim
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[07 Jul 2017|05:36pm]
Taking this unconventional Alpha to [info]abomods and I'd love some lines while I'm waiting to be able to post to the game lines comm.
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[07 Jul 2017|07:55pm]
digging this guy out of retirement, would love to find a line for him, or perhaps a comm! he's a stripper, escort, adult entertainer, etc. more of a bottom for smut related stuff but he's open for on-screen/on-stage stuff. plot/smut in any kind of ratio is good for me, and i'd love to think of ways how we could transfer him to a a myriad of settings. horror, sci-fi, fantasy, historical, etc. so don't be afraid to toss your ideas at me.
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[07 Jul 2017|11:40pm]
A younger guy against my Drake pb for a brothers best friend/little brother line. Bonus points if the guy is shy and geeky. Would also adore a Jaden Smith pb.
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