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[01 Jul 2017|04:24am]
Thinking of dusting off this Nyle DiMarco PB for a psl or two. Lines for him? His biography is in his journal.
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[01 Jul 2017|11:21am]
check the journal, please! a few ideas i'd love to try out.
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[01 Jul 2017|11:47am]

Is anyone interested in developing a slash psl with this character based on the above setting? I'm looking for something high-fantasy with magic, swords, dragons and everything else that makes that genre so much fun. Mazin here was created with loose Dungeon & Dragons guidelines in mind but you don't need to have any knowledge or experience with D&D (no need to role dice of anything). Members of his team would be great (exsisting or new) so give me your thieves, treasure hunters, warriors and resistance members, but I'd be equally as happy with the smuggler they hire to get them into/out of a city, a prisoner they need to break out because he knows the way to some lost ruin thy need to find, the loyal Sovereignty agent that has been working as a mole in the resistance, or anyone else that you can think of. I'd be happy with any race (human, dwarf, elf, half-orc, tiefling or even dragon), I just want to write a fantasy adventure.
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[01 Jul 2017|01:53pm]
[info]chidatemods Lines for this workaholic chief of surgery? Two to three kids with his ex-wife, his closet key male ex? Ex line has potential for rekindling. Also work colleagues (fwb/occasional hookups possible) and other male exes.
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[01 Jul 2017|04:06pm]
Bored today. I need more smut in my life. Anyone want to join me on AIM to get our smut on? Preference for something a little dark or kinky, but negotiable. :)
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[01 Jul 2017|05:15pm]
something for charlie hunnam
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[01 Jul 2017|08:09pm]
[info]secretdirection sebastian stan, come out and play
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[01 Jul 2017|10:41pm]
Something for this guy, please know who he is and don't be a douche
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