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[11 Jun 2017|03:56am]
check the journal!
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i know its a long shot [11 Jun 2017|11:01am]
nikki for tommy? i'll even do PB
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[11 Jun 2017|02:34pm]
would someone do a slash line where they're exes still in love a brian/justin line (queer as folk), vampire/vampire, vampire/human line?
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[11 Jun 2017|08:47pm]
taking this guy to [info]allusive, but a longshot: i'd love a zach woods either for there or a psl, or even a pb line i'm totally willing to discuss.

plot would be absolutely loved, but i'm up for total shameless smut.

for the pb stuff--or an au for celebs!--i'm open to supernatural lines, a/b/o (with my guy as the alpha), post-apocalyptic (zombie, infected, post-war, etc.) shit where it's them against the world, horror rps with some shipping involved, medieval aus, high fantasy, modern fantasy, or just regular cliche stuff like coffee shop aus or single parent/teacher or boss/employee or whatever. let's talk things together; i have no limits save for foot kink.

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[ viewing | June 11th, 2017 ]
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