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[21 May 2017|04:14am]
something long-term for davey havok
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[21 May 2017|10:57am]
Hello! I'm interested in HP OC based lines, slash and threading only at the moment! More info can be found here!
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[21 May 2017|10:59am]
Looking for someone who would enjoy writing an alpha daddy type werewolf in a supernatural gpsl. Your little omega cub is waiting for you. Specifically looking for someone who enjoys writing breeding and mpreg.
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[21 May 2017|12:52pm]
something for a pb cole sprouse that isn't set in riverdale? someone to geek out with, either slow build or casual encounter that has chemistry for later. open to pbs. probably an hs setting or maybe rural. even a time warp back to sometime simpler.
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[21 May 2017|12:53pm]
I'm wondering if I could interest someone in 1 of 2 emotionally (aka love) heavy rps. One is focused on 18 year olds and class differences, and another is focused in historical fiction, and a secret romance.
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[21 May 2017|01:26pm]
Looking for some new slash lines

Would love something involving either the Supernatural fandom or a pb line using Jensen or Jared

Also looking for hockey slash. Pb or Celeb. Would like to use Sidney Crosby for this.

I'd love to add mpreg to whatever we come up with :)
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finishing up the last season of tw [21 May 2017|06:46pm]
anyone want to play against a derek, peter, or chris?
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[ viewing | May 21st, 2017 ]
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