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[21 Apr 2017|05:30am]
something for pete wentz
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[21 Apr 2017|05:42am]
[info]theridge. I would love to see the following people in the community: Mark Sheppard, Adam Fergus, Tom Welling and anyone else you'd like to bring in. I share the love equally.

Also, I'd like to fill some specific lines, one or more of the PB's would work for some of them. He's a medium, so I'd love to have him interact with spirits of his friends departed family members, ex-boyfriends, childhood friends (his first male crush), co-workers, and frienemies. Message me for more details.
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[21 Apr 2017|10:57pm]
a dark line for this hunter? the supernatural being that has had a grudge against his family. details in the journal. slash and journals only
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