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[03 Apr 2017|12:16am]
Anyone out there interested in writing something set in the WWI or WWII era? (Because danger makes everything sexier obvs.) School friends reunited on the battlefield? POWs trying to make the best of a bad situation? Spies in enemy territory? Stuck in a blitzed or besieged city? Convalescing in a military hospital a la Regeneration? Dancing (and more) with the enemy? Just general life during wartime? I'm open to different pbs, ideas, etc so drop me a comment.
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[03 Apr 2017|09:58am]
I've been wanting to play Tommy Oliver since the new Power Rangers movie came out. Granted he wasn't in that one yet but I'd love to play him. Would anyone be interested? I'll also take crossovers and anything a bit darker than usual. Throw your ideas at me.
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[03 Apr 2017|02:18pm]
[info]hawaii lin manuel miranda or jiang wen as his partner. other trans men and women.
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[03 Apr 2017|04:40pm]
I'm looking to bring Alfonso to [info]hawaii and would love some relationships of any sort to plot goodness with. He's kinda a blank slate so I'm happy to work things out.
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[03 Apr 2017|04:49pm]
looking for a twd fandom line. might consider playing a different character, also open to celeb and pb lines (twd cast).
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[03 Apr 2017|07:54pm]
missing: one giant idiot. answers to grayson.
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[03 Apr 2017|08:19pm]
[info]wiltons would anyone be interested in working out a romantic line with a transguy?
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[03 Apr 2017|10:12pm]
[info]hawaii would anyone be willing to bring in the older gentleman that stays in the suite neighboring jem's that's kind of become a mentor figure to him? i'd be open for something romantic but i'd also be perfectly fine with it staying platonic, depending on chemistry goes. his bio is more or less finished and viewable in his journal!
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[03 Apr 2017|10:50pm]
I know it may be a bit of a longshot these days-but I can't help myself and still after what seems like forever and then some I still absolutely LOVE writing Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) from Criminal Minds.

I'd always love to find him a Derrick because DUH THEY ARE IN LOVE (if you just keep watching the show believing that I promise it makes the whole thing way better-haha) but I'm not tied to that, nor am I a stickler for staying within the CM canon(truthfully I only ever got into the show because I just love the characters-namely this awkward genius right here.)

Mostly just want something fun with a good balance of juicy character development, the fun kind of drama and some delicious smut to top it off.

In the way forever ago past I had him involved in a kidnapped-turned-Stockholm-love-affair sort of situation and it was too much fun.(There are some scenes left open on the journal that gives a pretty good example of my writing style.) Again, not married to any one idea and I am so open to brainstorming anything! Kinks, dark themes and all the like are welcome.
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