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[26 Feb 2017|12:59am]
Something for Davey Havok. Faces don't matter!
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[26 Feb 2017|02:16pm]
Looking for new lines. Check the journal for details and faces.
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[26 Feb 2017|06:07pm]
looking for a psl; please check the journal.
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[26 Feb 2017|07:57pm]
Check the journal! Seeking a reincarnation line of some kind.
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[26 Feb 2017|08:14pm]
[info]slashrpg Looking for more characters to join us and fill in some of the positions at the local businesses! Check out our locations page. Owners are especially wanted. While our cast list keeps growing, many popular PBs are still available!
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[26 Feb 2017|08:36pm]
any chance anyone plays ivy Levan or William Beckett?
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some unusual faces? [26 Feb 2017|10:19pm]
Long shot - but would anyone be interested in a psl or two against some of the more unusual faces in my icons? I'm looking to play (especially): Josh Thomas, Chris Geere, Alexander Vlahos, Rahul Kohli or Viggo Mortensen. I'm pretty flexible in terms of line ideas, though there are some ideas in the journal. Comments screened!!
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[26 Feb 2017|11:32pm]
Robbie Amell for a "married in Vegas" line? PSL or ~slashrpg or suggest a comm.
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[ viewing | February 26th, 2017 ]
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