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[15 Feb 2017|12:24am]
Slash for Wolverine or perhaps another marvel man. Not necessarily set within the cinematic or comic universe but more of our own thing so we can have a bit more freedom
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[15 Feb 2017|12:56am]
a modern day greek god line? would love a hades for a power struggle and complicated relationship against apollo
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[15 Feb 2017|01:41am]
ignore the icon/journal, but would anyone be down for a line where my character targets yours because he's rich? i'm not interested in the typical sugar daddy/may-december scenario; it would be more in the realm of him being a con-artist or someone who recently lost his job/his own wealth and sees an opportunity. maybe he falls for him, maybe he doesn't - but i'd love to explore it. alternatively, i'm down for a super random line where they meet on tinder or something, and we surprise each other along the way with things about them/scenarios. just dying to write here.
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[15 Feb 2017|07:48am]
something for this guy
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[ viewing | February 15th, 2017 ]
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