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[03 Feb 2017|06:24am]
something for jared leto
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customs/threads/aim friendly [03 Feb 2017|11:12am]
young men/boys for the males listed in my journal.
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[03 Feb 2017|11:59am]
Looking for lines for my Poe Dameron, Good Space Boy From a Good Space Family™. I love Star Wars and could play around in its (fast improving) canon all day, but I also love AUs! If you love writing, hit me up!
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[03 Feb 2017|08:44pm]
Does anyone pb older men and would be up for a longterm line? Or would anyone pb a younger man against my older gent or vice versa? Character-driven with plot, open to slice of life/city games and taking our guys to a comm. I enjoy difficult personalities or contrasting personalities, lovers who are not perfect matches, but willing to put up with their partner's flaws, awkwardness and misunderstandings (and awkward sex! especially if it's a man who has not an awful lot of experience with other men). No to cheating lines, no to lines focused on kink lists or strict dom/sub dynamics. Journals and customs preferred, but willing to consider email for the right line.
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[ viewing | February 3rd, 2017 ]
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