Daily Scans Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
May 25th, 2009
02:52 am


Chuck Norris vs. Mr. T (CLASH OF THE TITANS!)
Greetings True Believers! I had several Borders coupons this weekend so I bought some books. One was a great bio of Stalin. After that serious bit of reading, I decided I needed something juvenile. So I picked up "Chuck Norris vs. Mr. T" and it is divine! Super-silly fun and I wanted to post some of the best art pages.

Enjoy bits like "Rather than take showers, Chuck Norris rides a nine-foot grizzly bear through a car wash." and "Mr. T once said, "There is no I in team, but there us a T! Fool!!" This was at a motivational speaking conference and was the entirety of his lecture."

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Current Location: Outer Dark
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April 4th, 2009
10:18 pm


Mr. T and the T-Force Issues #3-5

There are two types of people in the world: people with souls and people who do not like Mr. T. True Fact.

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March 11th, 2009
10:35 pm


Mr. T and the T-Force Issue #2!


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March 7th, 2009
02:28 pm


Mr. T and the T-Force Issue #1!

I went to my lcs on a mission to procure something to share with the ressurected Scans Daily. I have to say I came back more than victorious. For I now can share with you...

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