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[14 May 2018|04:12am]
open threads in the journal.
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[14 May 2018|03:01pm]
I'd really like to write a supernatural line or two.

- Shapeshifters (wolves, bears, ravens): I'd like to play a small band of Vikings (or viking expys) who've invaded an area, maybe a city, and now they're setting up a base to raid from. I'd like to play them against a human woman, maybe someone native to the area. This could be something like beauty and the beast, or downright dark.

Themes/Kinks: Language gaps, gangbangs/multiple partners, dubcon/noncon, toys, breeding, restraints, orgasm control, public sex, the impact of war, what makes us human themes.

- Vampire: I'd like this line to be a vampire (male or female) against a human woman, preferably someone in STEM as a student or as a career. This can go lightly: a vampire in need of help becomes infatuated with the person who helps her, who is in return is fascinated by this young immortal. Or it can go darkly: a vampire in need of a thrall picks someone skilled, and just takes them.

Themes: science meets supernatural, medical kink (receiving), violence, blood, blood drinking, dubcon/noncon, vampirism, femme, restraints, toys.
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X-posted [14 May 2018|06:39pm]
Anything for an Andy Serkis pb? Looking for an active long-term psl or two. Or If scenes for the night are more your thing, I’ll see what I can do!
Open to ideas. Happy to discuss and plot.

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[14 May 2018|09:51pm]
Would anyone want an erotic line against a pretty Viking Princess? I have a few ideas in mind. Serious writers only, please. I really want to write, not just plot in a custom.
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