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rated x

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[09 May 2018|05:18am]
Looking for some lighthearted and fluffy or smut-driven psls (would like to involve light bondage, snarky bedroom banter, equal "switch" pairings [though also open to gentle/teasing/loving femdom], clean footplay, older woman x younger man dynamics and sundry other things). Check the journal for all info and interests; contact me there if interested!
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[09 May 2018|09:20am]
X-Women, Avengers, crossovers....Anything fun for Logan / Wolverine?
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[09 May 2018|10:59am]
Carol Danvers here, looking to discover my place in the Universe. Het, Femme, Let's have a conversation and work things out. Multiple settings to attempt (Timeline of the Captain Marvel movie, Current MCU, Post Infinity War), and directions to go in. I'm open for any and all.

If you'd like to see how we work together before doing so, I've got an Open IC Contact post.
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[09 May 2018|02:38pm]
anyone up for a line that includes bestiality? looking to play f but it can be het or futa.

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[09 May 2018|02:54pm]
Slash for this muscle bear?
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[09 May 2018|05:26pm]
Looking for a psl.

One of the wwe divas. Not stephanie though.
Storyline conceot. Hunter accidentially knocks them up after a show. They find out and resign. Only to come back six months later to his same office.
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[09 May 2018|06:37pm]
Interest check: Post-apocalyptic gpsl with D/s dynamics, a plot, and a heavy-handed helping of Roman influence.


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[09 May 2018|06:42pm]
A slash line for Sam? Thinking against an OC and have a few ideas for that.
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[09 May 2018|10:05pm]
looking for two specific slash lines for this guy, different journals of course. prefer guys 25+ open to plot and porn with some building up. could also be up for one-offs of the slice of life, faux, and supernatural variety.
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[ viewing | May 9th, 2018 ]
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