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rated x

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[12 Apr 2018|04:08am]
(step)father, uncle or (step)brother for her?
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[12 Apr 2018|05:11am]
Looking for some private lines for this journal. Threading preferred, one shotter or if we mesh, long term is great. Comment my screened post, let's talk. Femme or Het.
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[12 Apr 2018|08:52am]
[info]beauxbaton more muggleborns, blood purists and huitiemes to fill in the blanks. also, shamelessly asking for someone to fill in rochelle vanel for something worthwhile with some backstory~
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[12 Apr 2018|11:43am]
In the market for Gotham lines. Looking to write Selina or perhaps Barbara?

Post screened.
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[12 Apr 2018|03:24pm]
Who wants to try and climb the Mountain of a Man, Braun Strowman? Looking for pretty ladies of all shapes and sizes. You'll all be little girls to me, anyway.
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[12 Apr 2018|03:43pm]
looking for a slash line where your guy wrote to mine in prison and his release date is coming up. open to other darker slash lines as well.
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[12 Apr 2018|05:21pm]
Anyone from the MCU world up for getting quite dirty with this one? Males or females are welcome to come play.
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[12 Apr 2018|07:37pm]
A kink heavy slash line with a good amount of exploration? Guys in their 35+ would be amazing, but wont turn down a Hoechlin, Efron, or Jonas.
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[12 Apr 2018|07:40pm]
Looking to start up some lines again. Dirtier the better. Het, celeb or pb. Check the journal for kinks.
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[12 Apr 2018|07:55pm]
Looking for someone to share some naughty Rule34 Pics with AND write some filthy smut. Although if you only want to do the latter, I'm okay with that too. Check the journals for some of my favorite fandoms and know that I may be up for exploring more!
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Interest check [12 Apr 2018|08:39pm]
In the past, I've given some thought to developing a Highlander gpsl, and I've been mucking about with it again of late. There's middling interest from the fandom folks but I'd really like to err on the side of an adult game. Canon knowledge would absolutely not be necessary as we would basically just be using the character conceit to trample through history.

Any interest? Comments screened.
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[12 Apr 2018|09:03pm]
someone to pb the female in a het psl?
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[12 Apr 2018|09:49pm]
[info]gardnermods A 19-20 year old male Ebedi. Sophie Turner for her TA.
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[12 Apr 2018|10:12pm]
Anything for Lili Reinhart or Betty? Would absolutely love Cole Sprouse/Jughead.
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