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rated x

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[03 Mar 2018|01:36am]
A Drake pb or someone similar for a slash custom and or scenes for the weekend? Low stress and fun. Open to suggestions of who I play.
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[03 Mar 2018|01:41am]
Gemma Arterton as the librarian for [info]beauxbaton?
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[info]beauxbaton [03 Mar 2018|12:27pm]
lines for this promiscuous bailey jay pb? she would be a student and very pansexual.
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[03 Mar 2018|03:03pm]
Seeking a female teacher who falls for my student, a younger teacher or possibly even an older woman who can teach him a thing or two.
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[03 Mar 2018|06:18pm]
beyond eden or oc slash lines. seeking younger seme masters of household and others for an older man. listed some ideas/kinks on the journal.
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[03 Mar 2018|08:10pm]
Would anyone be interested in a line involving pregnancy? Either a couple trying, the husband trying to convince his wife to have a kid and maybe even trying to stop her from a dangerous job...by trying to get her pregnant....(there are more details) or a couple that has split is facing the fact she's pregnant?
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[03 Mar 2018|09:10pm]
Someone to get really high with me and suck me off. Not particularly in that order. I may film it, so be warned.
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[03 Mar 2018|10:00pm]
I'm looking to play a Viking against any variety of characters. A peasant woman or a princess from another country? A priest? A norse woman?
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[ viewing | March 3rd, 2018 ]
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