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rated x

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[20 Feb 2018|11:26am]
Males or females from the DC or Marvel world up for some wild fun with a very bad girl? Comment here or the screened post for a custom.
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[20 Feb 2018|11:29am]
This girl would love her dad or step-dad she messes around with behind her mom's back. Or her brother/step-brother because she's hating how he has a new girl in his life that isn't her and is determined to get the attention back on her.
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[20 Feb 2018|12:29pm]
Lines would be great. Either with Grace here or maybe if it gains any interest, a Fiona Dourif PB if I made the journal? Het lines preferred.
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[20 Feb 2018|02:07pm]
i would love to get any of the lines here filled!
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[20 Feb 2018|10:19pm]
[info]beauxbaton more muggleborns, sixièmes, bellefeuilles, and professeurs while i aim to finish her personality section tonight! ♥
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[20 Feb 2018|10:20pm]
[info]ranch any and all lines for this girl!
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[20 Feb 2018|10:20pm]
I'm interested in doing some smut-driven fluffy goodness; check the Journal for OOC info and prompts/plot bunnies, and contact me there if interested.
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[20 Feb 2018|10:26pm]
bully vs nerd with a dark twist anyone? relentless teasing, humiliation, mind games, threats, verbal and mental abuse, etc all culminating in one or both of them taking things too far. i'd like to play the nerd, though i could be talked into the bully role by a dedicated writing partner!
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[ viewing | February 20th, 2018 ]
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