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rated x

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[25 Dec 2017|01:29am]
I'm looking to fill a specific line that's described here! As a tl;dr, two high school sweethearts are reunited years after breaking up to find that they still have chemistry and feelings for one another. Trouble is that she's married, though that doesn't stop them from acting on their desires. This would be longterm and explore their affair. I have a preference for Matthew Daddario, Grant Gustin, or Chris Wood for the face, the latter two for pure cliche purposes, but I'm flexible. Comment in the journal if interested.
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[25 Dec 2017|06:23am]
[info]rattlesnake any clients interested in fisting kink? I'm thinking about bringing in a snake (bottom) and would love to see if there would be any particular demand in his services.
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[25 Dec 2017|06:44am]
would love some slash/pb lines for cameron monaghan. original or shameless fandom
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[25 Dec 2017|05:32pm]
Would love to paint some beautiful faces white for Christmas. Check the journal for some filthy line ideas or suggest some of your own.
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[25 Dec 2017|06:48pm]
Anyone open to taking this busker home for Christmas while I finish giving her a bio? Femme preferred. Give her a nice lady, a big cup of hot chocolate maybe? Some with snow and all the seasonal cliches thrown in? If it goes well, I'd even take them into the new year, or move them to a bigger home?

Apologies for the cross-posting. I know it's a terrible day for it, but I figured better to take a shot than re-reading old lines all day.
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[25 Dec 2017|07:12pm]
Any Archie players out there?
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[25 Dec 2017|07:16pm]
Anyone out there playing a celeb Timothée Chalamet? Either for a psl or to take to a community?
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[25 Dec 2017|11:15pm]
Lines for a Gotham inspired Bruce Wayne? Can be aged up or played at the current point in canon.... or another point in canon depending on what you are looking for. Love the series and am willing to play him from any point against pretty much anyone.
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