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rated x

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[23 May 2017|12:06am]
Okay, ratedx. Here's the rumpus. Is anyone up for a smutty, dark and dangerous gpsl (or small comm) based on the Supernatural's Kendricks Academy? For those unfamiliar with the canon, it's basically the monster hunter's Hogwarts and the curriculum is often killer.

Students would be aged up to university age, and faculty would be playable. Knowledge of Supernatural and the Men of Letters wouldn't be required, as I see it going mostly into the gothic horror realm, taking cues from Lovecraft, Penny Dreadful, Bible Black, that sort of thing. I'm also considering setting it sometime in the early 1930s, perhaps? Sex, violence, and other awfulness is most definitely assured.
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[23 May 2017|11:59am]
Petyr Baelish for my Sansa? I do have a rough idea in mind, but I'd love to brain storm and welcome other ideas as well. Journals only. I'd also be open to pbing Sophie Turner against a pb Aidan Gillen.
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[23 May 2017|12:07pm]
Can I get Blake Lively for an open marriage line at a gpsl?
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[23 May 2017|02:17pm]
can i get a tom hardy as this kid's dad for something smutty and fun?
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[23 May 2017|05:07pm]
looking for a handful of slash customs for gifs, dirty chat and potential scenes as a result. open to private messages from celebs and pb while i clean this mess of a journal out and get a screened post up.
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[23 May 2017|05:25pm]
Long shot in the dark but would anyone be up for a psl where a client falls for an escort?
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[23 May 2017|05:48pm]
customs for chris pratt? slash or het
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[23 May 2017|06:46pm]
So I am on the hunt for something a little kooky. It's a character building (sorta) historical scifi type of thing. It's a little hard to explain. But I would be happy to play it out.

If your interested, please comment or contact via aim niciremsey.
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[23 May 2017|07:11pm]
Something for either Katy Perry or a Katy Perry PB?
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[23 May 2017|07:58pm]
So I got sucked into watching season 5 Prison Break and this muse is back, alive and kicking.

I'm looking for a Dominic Purcell pb for a slash line with my Went pb, slightly angsty to begin with but also domestic, with kids and plenty of kink (Alec prefers to bottom and A/B/O elements would be loved!)

Any takers?
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[23 May 2017|10:34pm]
something active and het on aim for him?
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