Nov. 19th, 2010


Prompt Table Codes To Put on Your IJ or LJ

Did you need your prompt table to put up on your IJ or LJ? Get the codes here!

Prompt Tables 100 and 50 are all from [info]100quills.
If you have a prompt table suggestion please comment here with your prompt table in a textarea box and we'll use it and credit you!

25-Prompts Tables are original content from your friendly mods @ [info]quill_it

100 Prompt Tables )

50 Prompt Tables )

25 Prompt Tables )

10 Prompt Tables )


Prompt Tables

Prompt Tables 100 and 50 are all from [info]100quills.
If you have a prompt table suggestion please comment here with your prompt table in a textarea box and we'll use it and credit you!

25 and 10 Prompts Tables are original content from your friendly mods @ [info]quill_it

100 Prompt Tables )

50 Prompt Tables )

25 Prompt Tables )

If you want to put your prompt table on your ij/lj for the purpose of writing your claim, you can do so by snagging the prompt tables here


Claims Post

Here is the post in which you can read who has claimed what and in which you can make your claim.

If you comment after approval with a link to your table I'll add it as "fics" so that people can go directly to your fics.

Claims )