Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 30th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 30th, 2012

Dec.2: Smells Like Snow [Dec. 30th, 2012|03:53 pm]

Title Smells Like Snow
Author [info]fansee
Prompt Smells like snow.
Note: Probably takes place in S1.

“You aren’t going out in that, are you?” Debbie had her hands on her hips, staring accusingly at Justin.

Justin shrugged. “Why not?”

“Because all you have on is a skimpy T-shirt and a hoodie. I can smell snow. You’ll freeze to death.”

“Huh? What snow? It’s supposed to be nice today. Anyway, you can’t smell snow.”

Without looking up from his newspaper, Vic said, “Better look out the window, Justin.”

Justin glanced at the gap between the curtain and the window. His eyes widened a little.

He may have stomped on his way upstairs to get a heavier hoodie.
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Dec. 2: Such A Shame [Dec. 30th, 2012|04:02 pm]

Title: Such A Shame
Author: [info]fansee
Prompt: Such a shame

Father Tom and Joan Kinney stood side by side, gazing at the poinsettias and white ribbons decorating the altar. “The Altar Committee did a superb job this Christmas, Mrs. Kinney.”

“Joanie,” she corrected automatically. “Yes, they did. It’s such a shame….” Her voice trailed off.

“Such a shame?”

“Such a shame Brian won’t come to Mass on Christmas with me.”

“Have you asked him?”

“There’s no point. He’s made it very clear he won’t repent and save his soul. He’s damned in the eyes of God.”

“God works wonders. He can change minds.”

“Not Brian’s.”

Or yours, Father Tom thought.
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It's Even Worse Than Last Year XVI [Dec. 30th, 2012|08:46 pm]
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Title: It's Even Worse Than Last Year
Author: xheartrockx
Prompt(s): the last to know
Notes: This is the sequel to The Worst Holiday Season Ever – which you should read in order for this to make sense. This starts shortly after Thanksgiving and follows the prompts in order. Sometimes it's one prompt!day per fic!day, sometimes I use more than one prompt to tell a day in the fic.

I'll Never Tell )
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Dec. 4: On the Outside, Looking In [Dec. 30th, 2012|09:22 pm]

Title: On the Outside, Looking In
Author: [info]fansee
Theme: On the outside, looking in

Michael shivered and pulled his jacket around himself more tightly. His gaze was fixed on a couple at the end of the block, their bodies tightly entwined. He narrowed his eyes, but no, he couldn’t tell from this distance whether or not Brian’s tongue was half-way down Justin’s throat. He sighed.

Somebody banged into him from behind, rocking him on his feet. He stumbled and regained his footing as Ben said, “What sluts!”

“It makes me a little jealous,” Michael said wistfully.

“Don’t be. I’ll take you home and we can be slutty in a nice warm house.”

Michael grinned.
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Dec. 3: Mine and yours [Dec. 30th, 2012|09:43 pm]

Inspired by [info]xie_xie_xie's double drabble, The End of the World, I went back and made this a triple drabble.

A Question )

An Answer )

Mine and Yours )

If you can't figure out how "The End of the World" inspired this, don't worry. Neither can I.
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