Queer as Folk Drabbles - July 31st, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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July 31st, 2012

Challenge #211: Heat Wave [Jul. 31st, 2012|11:45 am]


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Title: Contrast
Condom: Babylon

Brian’s body crushes him against the alley wall.

There are snowflakes caught in Justin’s eyelashes. His lips are ever so slightly blue. Their breath is heavy and visible between them.

It is a study of contrasts. Pale skin and black leather. Rough brick and gentle touch. Pounding music and silent night. Tenderness and debauchery.

Darkness and street light.

The freezing air chills Justin’s exposed skin painfully. But then there is Brian, providing opposition. Close and far. Push and Pull. Inside him and out. Soft skin and so fucking hard.

It is cold outside - but it feels like a heat wave.
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Challenge #211: Heat Wave [Jul. 31st, 2012|11:11 pm]
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Title: Words of Wisdom
Condom: The Diner

“Oh, thank God, air conditioning,” Ted breathed when they entered the diner. He immediately grabbed a handful of napkins and mopped his face.

“Teddy, we only walked three blocks,” Emmett scoffed.

“Yeah, in hundred degree heat. So why aren’t you sweating like a pig?” Ted eyed Emmett suspiciously.

“A good southerner never sweats, at least that’s what my Grandma said after a few mint Juleps,” Emmett smiled at the memory. “Air conditioning was for weak willed Northerners and fools with too much money. If our ancestors could handle the heat in corsets and petticoats, I could take it in shorts.”
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