Queer as Folk Drabbles - July 28th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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July 28th, 2012

Challenge #210: Rimming vs Blowjobs [Jul. 28th, 2012|06:12 pm]
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Title: Til Death
Condom: Blowjobs

Justin wiped his mouth and rested his head on Brian’s thigh. “Will you still love me when I’m too old to blow you?”

“Who says I love you now?” Brian teased.

Without saying anything, Justin reached for Brian’s hand, tapping their rings together.

Sighing dramatically, Brian held on to Justin’s hand when he started to let go. “When you’re too old to blow me, I’ll be too old to get it up.”

Justin smiled, hearing everything Brian didn’t say. “Don’t worry, I’ll still love you.”

“Shut up and roll over so I can fuck you while we’re both still young.”
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