Queer as Folk Drabbles - July 25th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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July 25th, 2012

Challenge #210: Rimming vs Blowjobs [Jul. 25th, 2012|09:55 pm]
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Title Just Another Night
Notes: Thanks to [info]fun_demented for the vocabulary help:)
Condom: Blowjobs

The first time Justin blew him after the surgery, Brian thought it would be different. He nearly lost his hard-on thinking about Justin’s reaction to his fake ball once he was up close and personal.

But Justin wasn’t different, he wasn’t hesitant or careful or, God forbid, fucking reverent.

He was confident and pushy, sucking Brian’s cock like it hadn’t been months since the last time. When he finally took Brian’s balls into his mouth, Brian was so hard, so ready to come, he couldn’t remember which ball was a miracle of modern medicine and which was a Kinney original.
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