Queer as Folk Drabbles - February 21st, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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February 21st, 2012

Outside of Challenge: I've been waiting for so long [Feb. 21st, 2012|12:20 pm]


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Title: I've been waiting for so long
Author: mander3_swish
Word Count: 600
Prompt: “The Best Time of Our Life” for [info]galehot’s Evil!Kinney Girls Birthday Surprise!!!!
Summary: Brian has felt the pressure to make sure every trip Justin makes home to Pittsburgh the best ever. This one doesn't go quite according to plan. gus!fic

I've had the time of my life / No I never felt this way before / Yes I swear it's the truth / And I owe it all to you )
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