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Jan. 27th, 2012


So I was waiting for more people to join before I did an OOC post. I'm Travis, some of you know me from Sons of Cain, some of you may not. Hello all!

This is Kenneth Michaels/ 'M'ken'. He's a Gabrielite. In fact he was one of the originals from way back when God's army was first created. He's friendly and very sociable, if not a tad bit shy and quiet at times. He simply would prefer to observe things and watches for demons with unmatched vigilance. And in battle, his sweet, boyish demeanor goes away and he becomes quite the bloody warrior, though he would rather try to convince a demon to come to the light than kill him at first any day.

Let's play! I would like to see explosions and swordfights aplenty. Also he's a personal trainer/ self defense instructor at Tower of Babylon Fitness and a part time student at the community college, if that helps. :D


It's official, Gus is in! Gus is Babylon's Sheriff, and has been for the past year. He transferred from Detroit two years ago after an especially nasty divorce, a divorce that he's having a very hard time recovering from. Despite that, Gus is a very friendly guy, so if you want to thread, all you have to do is hit me up!

EDIT: Since it will be a bit before my AIM is added to the contact area, you can hit me up on merrymutant.

Jan. 26th, 2012


Intro recycled from plot-comm

HELLO! Erin here - from SoC.
Meet Justice Cooper - Demon-blooded Demon Hunter.

She's a simple-yet-complicated soul with a strange past who's been working as a manager and bartender at a local bar called The Cellar (think your typical neighborhood bar) and lives in Lake View.

Justice is at constant odds with herself and the way her life had been written, which leads to troubled personal relationships and heavy emphasis on the lesser vices (smoking, drinking, promiscuity). She's former military (Marines) and grew up as an Army brat with a Chaplain father (who is also in Babylon, if you're looking for a character line). She moved to Babylon a year and a half ago after spending several years in Rome studying her 'trade' in the Vatican. Check her journal for all the details I didn't spill here, but I'm always looking for plot!

Oh yes, she's Bastian's grandaughter. But she doesn't know it's him. SHHH!

Hit me up to play.

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Game Open!

Feel free to start posting but keep spreading the word. We only have four players right now! We can build on that, though! So get posting and have fun!

Jan. 13th, 2012



Due to a death in the family, Ally is understandably unable to begin the game on January 14th, as we had anticipated. We are postponing the opening of the game until January 21st.

Jan. 8th, 2012



Hey everyone,

I'm Ally, one of the mods. Some of you know me, some of you don't. I'm really excited about the game, and so far I just have the one guy. His name is Bastian Sinclair, but his true name is Basarel. He's the demon leader and he also owns the casino/secret brothel in Babylon. He's all about corruption and he is never one to pass up an opportunity to get someone into the casino or into his bed. Although he's suave and charming on the outside, he's a real snake inside.

I do have two girls on hold, one for an angel and one for a nephilim. If anyone has ideas or lines for either of them to fill, let me know and we can work it out.

Looking forward to playing and getting to know each of you and your characters better!

Much love,

Jan. 7th, 2012


Hey. :)

I'm Cat and I'm bringing in the character Lucy Davis. Lucy's a 24 year old human who works as a waitress and spends the rest of her time ruffling her small-town mother's feathers. She's prone to seeing things from a really self-centered point of view and thinks of herself as a lot cooler than she really is. While she often acts immature for her age, there are responsibilities that she takes seriously like baking and working for her family's diner. She enjoys feeding people, just not always dealing with them; but she still works hard at her job.

I really look forward to plotting and playing. I'm open to suggestions and ideas if people would like to plot at any point.

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