November 5th, 2009

[info]alylicious in [info]primevalathon

Primeval Ficathon Master List - Autumn 2009

[info]aithine is being written for by [info]blktauna -- [ The Circle Closes ] (Nick/Stephen, G)
[info]alyse is being written for by [info]lazlo_darian [pinch hit by [info]temaris] -- [ Gradatim ] (Abby/Connor, G)
Ashley is being written for by [info]sunsets_dinos -- [ Long Way To Happy ] (Becker/Connor, Becker/m, 15)
[info]blktauna is being written for by Ashley [pinch hit by [info]alyse] -- [ Pricking Thumbs ] (Helen/Nick, R)
[info]cyberawr is being written for by [info]dominique012 -- [ Confusing Lines ] (Jenny/Nick, G)
[info]curia_regis is being written for by [info]talliw [pinch hit by [info]moonlettuce] -- [ Fracture ] (Jenny/Claudia, R)
[info]dominique012 is being written for by [info]alyse -- [ Prelude in C Minor | Part 1 | Part 2 ] (Abby/Connor, PG13)
[info]gpr_ffn is being written for by [info]temaris -- [ Return the Sun ] (implied Jenny/Nick (Claudia/Nick), G)
[info]lazlo_darian is being written for by [info]rodlox -- [ The Horseman Connor ] (Abby/Connor gen, Mature)
[info]lsellersfic is being written for by [info]tseecka -- [ And Yes, We Changed the World ] (Helen gen, 14)
-- [pinch hit by [info]alyse] -- [ What My Lips Have Kissed ] (Jenny/Sarah, PG)
[info]moonlettuce is being written for by [info]aithine -- [ Jealousy Is That Pain ] (Nick/Stephen, PG)
[info]rodlox is being written for by [info]curia_regis -- [ For England ] (Lester/Christine Johnson, PG)
[info]sunset_dinos is being written for by [info]lsellersfic -- [ Merry Go Round ] (Becker/Helen, Helen/Nick, Jenny/Sarah, 16+)
[info]talliw is being written for by [info]gpr_ffn [pinch hit by [info]rodlox] -- [ Helen and Lester and Nick ] (Helen/Lester/Nick, Mature)
[info]temaris is being written for by [info]cyberawr [pinch hit by [info]alyse] -- [ Life Studies ] (Abby/Connor, PG)
[info]tseecka is being written for by [info]moonlettuce -- [ The Madness of Butterflies ] (Nick/Stephen, PG13)