September 29th, 2009

[info]alylicious in [info]primevalathon

Adminny type things...

Tomorrow is the deadline for dropping out of the ficathon without penalty. And by 'penalty' we mean that we'll look at you with big and sad puppy eyes, and that if you drop out at the last minute you may also not be allowed to sign up in future depending on how good your excuse is on a sliding scale from 'the dog ate my ficathon entry' to 'I was kidnapped by aliens and what year is it again?'.

I'm also going to open up a 'pinch hit' post, looking for people to volunteer to write something in the event that someone drops out, and a beta post, where you can seek a beta or volunteer to beta for other people, tonight so be there or be vaguely rhomboid.

I hope that makes sense - if not, just ask :)

(I may still be slightly gleeeeeeeeeee!)

[info]alylicious in [info]primevalathon

Admin: Pinch Hit Volunteer Post

If you're willing to step up to the plate in the event of someone else dropping out (so that no one is left without a story on Oct 31st), please comment here with:

- your username
- an e-mail address where we can reach you
- what pairings/characters you'll write
- anything you won't write

I'm going to screen comments to maintain that air of mystery...

Thank you in advance!

[info]alylicious in [info]primevalathon

Admin: Find a beta post

If you're willing to beta for someone, please leave a comment here with:

- what you're happy reading
- anything you're not happy reading
- the maximum rating you can or will read to
- what you think you can offer (e.g. very strong grasp of grammar, can spot a plothole from 20 yards, characterisation is my king)
- details on how to contact you (and if you say pm, please make sure your settings on LJ are such that non-flisties can reach you via pm)
- expected turn around time

Thank you!