January 12th, 2009

[info]alylicious in [info]primevalathon

Primevalathon Spring 2009

We'll be opening up sign-ups for the next [info]primevalathon Primeval Ficathon next Monday (19th Jan), with a view to keeping them open until the 31st Jan, with stories being due on 31 March. However, as we may have already mentioned, we've been thinking about how we can make sure that things run a little more smoothly this time. So there are going to be some slight tweaks to the rules, which will hopefully help us to avoid some of the issues we experienced last time.

Automation is the key )

Defaulting )

Pinch hitting and beta reading )

Shared universes, crossovers and adult material )

WIPs )

ETA: And because we've been reminded, Sequels, missing scenes and remixes )

I think that's everything, but please let us know if you have any suggestions that might help make the next ficathon run a little more smoothly than the last one, and in [info]aithine and I keeping what little remains of our sanity!