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THEATER FUND RAISER [Tue Aug 2010 @ 9:01pm]

... )
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[Tue Aug 2010 @ 9:05pm]

If you want your character to be involved in the Hogwarts Theater's first production please let me know right now! Joelle wants to get a cast list out. I'll fill it with little students, if I have to, but I want to have "upperclassmen" participation!

THESEUS, Duke of Athens (Madelane Thomas)

HIPPOLYTA, Queen of the Amazons, betrothed to Theseus (Sophia Harper)

EGEUS, Father to Hermia (Gabriel Zeller)

LYSANDER, in love with Hermia (Rory Spinnet)

DEMETRIUS, in love with Hermia (Scorpio Malfoy)

PHILOSTRATE, Master of the Revels to Theseus (Sam George)

HERMIA, Daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander (Violet Catchlove)

HELENA, in love with Demetrius (Mina Shacklebolt)

QUINCE, a Carpenter (Alex Summerby)

SNUG, a Joiner (Louis Weasley)

BOTTOM, a Weaver (Dorian Boardman)

FLUTE, a Bellows-mender (Kelsey Ryan)

SNOUT, a Tinker (Alec Catchlove)

STARVELING, a Tailor (Apollo Bower)

OBERON, King of the Fairies (Albus Potter)

TITANIA, Queen of the Fairies (Skye Davies)

PUCK, or Robin Goodfellow (Stephen Corner)


MOTH, MUSTARD-SEE, Faries (Eira Cattermole, Diana Bower, Fortuna Bower, Caroline Corner)

FAIRY (Shannon Creevey)

Other Fairies attending on their King and Queen

Attendants of Theseus and Hippolyta

Backstage Crew:

Director: Joelle Wright

Assistant Director: Eveline Dunstan

Lights: Rachel Baddock

Set: Andrew Summerby

Makeup: Lindsey Bobbin(?)

Costumes: Veronica Robards

Stagehand: Chris Ross

Props: Nicole Hopkins

Special Effects:

etc, etc...

Also needed are a backstage crew (positions listed above and any of those not listed!), so please let me know (remind me) what your character may want to do backstage! Edit: I'm thinking of the little students for the Fairies, if anyone wants to volunteer brothers and sisters!
071 post comment

FYI [Tue Aug 2010 @ 8:33pm]

I will be on something of a hiatus for the next two or three weeks. I have RA training at my university and then my first week of classes, so I'll probably be scarce for a while :(
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[Tue Aug 2010 @ 11:58am]

HEY this post is multifunctional!

1) I am shipping off to college for the first time!!! /geeks out on a nine hour drive tomorrow, starting at 7AM sharp. Can I have some sympathetic groans? SO forgive me if I'm a little slow on replies & such for a couple days as I get settled in. As a reminder, this affects James, Liam, Rhys, Sebastien, and Veronica--and now Juno!

2) Which brings me nicely to my second point. THIS is Juno Bower. Seventh year Hufflepuff, vegan, in almost as many classes as she is clubs, and a total cause junkie. Juno's always campaigning for something and her beliefs are totally liberal--Merpeople are Beings not Beasts! Don't use animal products in potions! SPEW!--and she is extremely passionate about them. The quickest way to anger her is to show prejudice, and she will shout at you like nobody's business if you do/use a word like "freak", "half-breed", "Mudblood", etc. Other than that, though, she's really a nice person. Juno will go up to anybody and make friends with them, especially if they're sitting alone, and she's great at giving advice and keeping secrets.

Juno also has four siblings, three of which are at Hogwarts--Apollo and Diana, fifth and third year Ravenclaws respectively, and Fortuna, a first year Hufflepuff. (Yes, her father is a Roman historian, however did you guess?)

So yep! That's Juno in a nutshell. She needs all the usual, so yeah! ♥ Love all you beautiful people.
016 post comment

[Tue Aug 2010 @ 5:49pm]
My darling co-mod, Lily, has decided to pick up another character! Please run the friend button!

ETA: Elle has picked up our Head Boy, Andrew Summerby!

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[Mon Aug 2010 @ 4:46am]
Roll up, roll up, ladies and gents of Hogwarts! This coming Thursday is Hogwarts' first date auction! This post is just so that all of us can decide OOC who ends up buying who on the day! During the actual auction, everyone can put in bids but whoever lays claim on a certain boy here will obviously get him in the auction. But please, play nicely. They're only boys after all. We want them all in one piece!

Here's a list of the boys up for grabs:

  • Rhys Cattermole
  • Sebastien Smith
  • Toby Trimble
  • Casey Whisp
  • Max Deacon
  • Rory Spinnet
  • Thomas Wood
  • Dorian Boardman
  • Gabriel Zeller
  • Zachary Umbridge
  • Stephen Corner
  • Oliver Avery
  • Phillip Fawcett
  • Cian Dolohov
  • Christian Ross
  • Damien Boot

Now, just reply here and argue discuss amongst yourselves. I'm sure we can all reach an agreement! Final decisions should be made by the player of the boy in question! NOW FORM AN ORDERLY QUEUE AND GO NUTS!
0186 post comment

Apologies [Fri Aug 2010 @ 2:47pm]

I feel like this is the millionth time I've done this, but I am having quite a trial when it comes to school (or lack there of) but I will be on this week end since you can't call schools on the weekend! Really this is an apology to Lily, Leah, Meghan, and Sam! XD I'll be back very soon!

<3 April (Eve/Val/Gabe/Mickey/Madelane)
03 post comment

[Wed Aug 2010 @ 9:44pm]
It's the second Thursday of the month, and you lovely people know what THAT means~!

»Caitlin Cadogan is running late for class. In her haste to arrive before her professor gives her a detention, she accidentally bangs into Thomas Wood, who has a free period and is wandering the corridors. Whether or not Caitlin is late to class depends on how generous Thomas is feeling in regards to helping the Gryffindor pick her belongings up.

»Both Rebecca Duke and Eveline Dunstan were unfortunate enough to have to use Moaning Myrtle's bathroom between classes, or else risk being late to class. Myrtle, in one of her notorious foul moods, stole Rebecca’s homework and threw it into the toilet. It is up to Eveline whether or not she hangs around to help Rebecca out, or risk being late to her next class.

»Whilst making his way back up from the dungeons after having a chat with Professor Whelpton, Phillip Fawcett stumbles upon an obscure article of clothing. Moments later, Sebastien Smith appears, claiming that said article belongs to him. The word of a Slytherin is not always the most honest, so Phillip has to make a choice; give the piece of clothing to Sebastien, or hold onto it in case someone else comes forward?

»Late one night, Damien Boot was finishing up his homework in the Slytherin Common Room and is heading up to bed, just as Orna Wagtail is running down the stairs out of Cian's dorm, having just had yet another blazing row with him. The two collide head-on. They may get to talking, or merely go on their own separate ways.

»While in Care of Magical Creatures class on Thursday, Kelsey Ryan slips and falls in some manure, and Nora Avery snaps an embarrassing picture. Kelsey notices her picture being taken, and asks Nora to get rid of it, please. How Nora reacts is up to her.
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[Sun Aug 2010 @ 7:49pm]

HEY GUYS! I'm back! Camp is FIIINALLY over with and you have noooo idea how happy I am to be home! I'm also very happy to be able to get into this game! :D :D :D :D

Anyway, I'm going to throw comments around onto journal entries. Does anyone have any ideas for threads?
02 post comment

[Fri Aug 2010 @ 3:42pm]

I really didn't want to do this but I'm going to have to leave the comm :( School starts soon and I know that when it does I'm going to be...very very MIA and apparently my boss just now got the hint that I want/need more hours. So. I'm hoping that things will cool down a little bit, but until then I'm going to have to leave Posteritas.

BUT if things end up kind of slowing down I'm definitely coming back here. I had a lot of fun while it lasted!

<33 Annie
03 post comment

Attention! Attention! [Fri Aug 2010 @ 4:50pm]

Attention Hogwarts Students! Your Head Girl is here!

Hey everyone, it's April here with my ACTUAL last character, Eveline Dunstan! Lets run through the basics!

1. Eveline is overachiever to the max! She has ten classes, does Charms Club, and is Head Girl! She is super duper studious and is in the library almost as much as Rebecca!

2. She is VERY SERIOUS ABOUT ALMOST EVERYTHING. Especially her job as Head Girl. She is on the look out for lax prefects (That Means YOU Freddie and Ellie, she watching you!) and naughty students. She doesn't condone activities which are against the rules and hardly makes exceptions. Unless you're cute and super charming! But shh that one is a secret!

3. She is very easy to rile up and is very silly about how frustrated she can get. She operates on a very high stress level and every little thing sets her off. However, given the chance to relax, she is fun and sweet and actually quite squishable!

4. She's Deaf! She can speak, but her voice sounds strange, like most other people who speak and are deaf, except a bit more tuned because she went to boarding school to perfect it. She also knows sign language, which she is happy to teach anyone. Her parents abandoned her for this trait and she lives with her Aunt, the facts of which some people may know because she plays it off casually.

5. Lastly! Eveline has only ever had one serious relationship which lasted for the better part of sixth year. Any takers?! It would have to be a boy for these purposes (but we will be taking applications for secret ladies for sometime this year too!)

So. That's pretty much all I can think of right now! I desperately need to catch up on new characters, which is my next task since I finished the Meme! Anyway, let me know!

<3 April (Eve/Gabe/Ela/Mickey/Val)
010 post comment

[Fri Aug 2010 @ 3:41pm]

Hello, everyone! My name is Caroline, but people call me Caro, Kero, and Kwa. You can call me any of the four xD;

I’m here to bring you Lena Zabini! She’s a seventh year Gryffindor—though not many people know why. Gryffindors are active, adventurous, and heroic folk.

Lena is just lazy. Unbelievably lazy.

So lazy that she’d rather charm a drumstick into floating to her mouth instead of picking it up herself.

Yeah. That lazy.

She doesn’t believe in doing more than necessary, which is why her muscles are undeveloped, her grades suck, and her personal belongings are always in disarray.

Though, besides what’s necessary, she does what interests her! Lena’s still a teenager and she still wants to have all the fun she can. Her other typical teenager traits include her sarcasm, the sneaky bitchiness that can overcome her when she gets really mad, and a general, “I’m invincible, nothing can touch me, and I know everything” attitude.

But, you know, she’s nice and everything :) be her friend, mmkay?

You can reach me at KeroKeroKwa on AIM, and my email is I’m up for immediate plotting! Friend, enemy, frenemy, general background interactions—anything! So, please, hit me up.
04 post comment

[Fri Aug 2010 @ 2:30pm]
Okay, you guys! The first activity check has ended and we have both good and bad news! Three characters have been deleted; Eveline Dunstan, Dale Kirke, and Maria Cauldwell. But we have gained two more! Elle, having dropped Arthur earlier this week, has picked up Stephen Corner! We also have a new player, Caroline, who has picked up Lena Zabini!

Please run the friends button and keep it cool, kids!

ETA: April has picked up Eveline Dunstan! Run it again!

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[IC MEME] [Wed Aug 2010 @ 11:42pm]
Meme #5

In the time-honoured spirit of procrastination and avoidance of things we really ought to be doing, including those we enjoy, we're hereby shirking our collective responsibilities and posting a meme instead!

This meme is the photographs meme! Post pictures that your character has, and tell us where--at the bottom of a trunk, neatly laid out in a scrapbook, tucked in a mirror frame, under their pillow? These pictures can be of them, their parents, their siblings, their friends--go nuts! Obviously, those depicted in your characters' pictures (and those who'd like to know why Boy A has been sleeping with a picture of Girl C under his pillow for the last four years) should reply to the pictures with appropriate levels of shock/outrage/amusement/etc. :D

BONUS! If you'd like to have a little fun, run the pictures through Poladroid first!

As with the other memes, none of the information gleaned in this meme carries over in game. :D
0340 post comment

[Wed Aug 2010 @ 9:47pm]

Hello, Posteritas! One final kiddo to make my numbers even: 3 boys and 3 gals. I know... I can be obsessive compulsive sometimes. Forgive me. Anyway, Marie here with Rory Spinnet.

Rory is a 6th year Gryffindor. He doesn't have a blurb, so you're looking at a relatively clean slate here! With the tendency to go with the flow and base his life on improvisation, Rory rarely has issues with silly things like stress or high expectations. The only thing he requires from life is a tad bit of good, old fashioned fun here and there! He's not the most dedicated student, nor is he the most perceptive. If there is one thing he can pride himself on, however, it is his ability to be there for his mates in any given situation. Though it takes a great deal of negativity to finally send him over the top, Rory has been known to boil over a time or two. He's always quick to apologize, most of the time not directing his irritation at anyone in specific. The worse case scenario usually only disrupts the filter between his brain and tongue. Overall, he's an affectionate bloke with an animated personality. It's all or nothing with this one!

For a tiny glimpse into any connections your characters might have, feel free to consider his history, lineage, etcetera. His mum is Alicia Spinnet, so there may be grounds for interaction if any of your kiddos' parents kept in touch with her. On a similar note, he's probably one of the slim few Jewish kids in school, having inherited it through his mum's line. His family isn't the most devout, but some of Rory's values are still loosely influenced by his faith. Other than that, he's involved in Dueling Club and has been swayed by Madame Puddifoot to join Theatre Club. He will likely be an active part in the club, so any of you drama kids out there can expect an overly affectionate ally (regardless of how well he may/may not know you). ^_~ He also learned to play piano and guitar from his adopted father Macklyn Cromwell, so that's another hidden trait some of you might see come out in the future. I apologize in advance, however... he can sing on pitch, but his vocal range is lacking. Typically he opts out of singing altogether and simply plays.

Alrighty! There you have it. Read his extensive, and I mean extensive, profile for the dirty details. If not, that's cool too. Just let me know where he stands with your kiddos when you get a chance (or if you want him to interact with them anyway).


P.S. Tagging is coming now that Ror's finished! I'm going to try to close up those that have been going so we can start new ones. That said, let me know if there are any threads you'd like to see from my six. *MUAH* xo
08 post comment

[Wed Aug 2010 @ 9:04pm]

Maggie here with numero dos. And she completes the Gryffinor quidditch team FTW. She's a 7th year, pretty average or below as far as school work goes, and she loves music. She's a fantastic guitar player, piano player, and singer. So obviously she's in Choir as well and the Dueling club.

She's easygoing and likes to make things entertaining even if that means getting up and dancing like an idiot or telling stupid jokes that makes her seem a bit off her rocker. She's big on turning smiles upside down. She also is a bit of an adrenaline junkie and can be quite the daredevil. She loves to gamble and do anything that involves a bit of risk, even if it's truth or dare (ps: she loves the DARE part of that game).

She's a blabber mouth a lot of the times and doesn't know the difference between common knowledge and total secrets. She's even been known to use other peoples issues and personal problems in her songs, much to the dismay of those they are about. But she is loyal, and very friendly. She likes to go sneak out and night and do daring things, just because the rush she gets is her favorite feeling in the whole world. Well, besides being on stage.

She's not big on enemies, and would rather kill them with kindness more than anything. But if you really piss her off, there is no telling what she'll do. She has been knowing to punch boys and girls when they get in her way. Not something her mother is very proud of, but oh well. She's the niece of Kingsley Shacklebolt, but she doesn't like to be reminded of it since he's so famous and popular and all. She wants to make a name for herself, not vicariously through someone else.

If you want to know anything else about her, just check out the application post. She's pretty fantastic, mind you.

So the usual, BEST FRIENDS? BEST ENEMIES? EX LOVES? CRUSHES? I like plot here people, so throw it at me.

Hugs and Kisses, Maggie.
018 post comment

[Thu Aug 2010 @ 1:01am]
Due to an unfortunate accident with a Switching Spell in 7th Year Transfiguration, all boys suddenly find themselves wearing the underwear of a girl in the class and vice versa.

Using a random number generator, Lily and I determined who would be swapping undies with who. Considering the ratio of 13 boys to 14 girls, one unlucky lady ended up swapping skivvies with Professor Llewellyn! Without further ado, here's the results!

Isabelle Steele/Professor Llewellyn
Rebecca Duke/Fred Weasley
Lucy Weasley/Connor Yaxley
Alexandria Quigley/Cian Dolohov
Eleanore Fortescue/Christian Ross
Gwendolyn Urquhart/Max Deacon
Orna Wagtail/Sebastien Smith
Dominique Weasley/Zachary Umbridge
Hannah Diggle/Dominic Skeeter
Anastasia Morgan/Theodore Proudfoot
Vickie Dillon/James Potter
Rachel Baddock/Gabriel Zeller
Valerie Clark/Thomas Wood
Bridget Daniels/Oliver Avery

Of course, it is up to you lot if you want to mention this in your entries (as with every daily event). It's also up to you if you want to talk with the player of whichever character yours swapped underwear with to see what everyone was wearing by the end of the lesson! Let's all just hope none of the boys decided to go commando, huh? :P
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[Wed Aug 2010 @ 10:41pm]
Oi, you lot? Run the friends button!

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[Wed Aug 2010 @ 11:23am]

Hi all!

Just a quick message from me to say that my activity might be a bit spotty over the next few days. Moving house, coupled with the fact that I'm feeling a little burnt out means semi-hiatus time for me! I'll still be around here and there, but I won't be as active as usual!

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[Mon Aug 2010 @ 3:11pm]

Hi! Okay so I'm going to have to take a little hiatus. RL is like....slaying me right now. Family is coming over for my father's birthday so we're like...fixing up the house/yard and crap. SO. I'm not sure when I'll be back, the party is this upcoming Saturday so probably Sunday!!

I'll be on here and there to reply and stuff but not all the time. SO there.

01 post comment

Oi! [Mon Aug 2010 @ 2:57pm]

[ mood | caffiene enhanced ]

Hey everyone!

I'm very excited to use Brit slang again. :) I'm Em, yet another new person to the game and I'll be the vessel for Damien Boot. He's a 6th year Slytherin, attends 7 different classes, fills a Beater position for the Quidditch team, and is also a member of the Dueling Club.

He's a bit of an intense personality: very serious, driven, and competitive. He doesn't like to fail and will push himself harder if he does, or feels he is about to. He has a difficult time enjoying himself though in the last year he's developed a bit of a rebellious streak to tick off his dad. He's most likely found studying a lot whether in the common room, the Great Hall, or the library. He's not afraid of being outspoken so if he has had any classes with your character(s) they likely would know who he is. Other than that he spends a lot of time working on his Quidditch skills or maybe finding small ways to rebel. If you'd like more detailed information about him it can be found here.

I would love to discuss any plot ideas and/or possible histories with other characters. I can be most easily reached by email ( or I occasionally hop onto AIM (emisformonster). Other than that I have a contact page available here. Feel free to leave a message! I don't judge. :)

Okay, I've blabbered enough. One last question to leave you all with:

So, how do you think my character and yours might get along/interact?

011 post comment

[Mon Aug 2010 @ 2:06pm]
Do you know what time it is, Posteritas? It's activity check time!

...yeah, that's really not a happy thing deserving of exclamation points. BUT the House Points tally IS, so! All entries, comments, threads, owls, and so on as of this posting have been included in the check! I'm going to hide the results behind cuts for a teensy little bit of suspense.

First, the bad news. )

And now for some housekeeping :) )

And finally, the fun stuff! )
015 post comment

[Mon Aug 2010 @ 2:45am]
We have new players and new characters! Please run the friends button!

Activity check is TOMORROW! If you haven't got at least one journal post and one thread post, we'll be sending out final warnings before deleting! Characters created on or after July 20th do not need to meet this quota this month!
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[Sun Aug 2010 @ 3:38pm]

Hellooooo everybody! My name is Zanne and I'm brand spankin' new to the game. If any of you have heard about me from Meghan, disregard anything and everything she's said, unless it's about how fabulous I am...which is, of course, completely true. I'm a crazy social person so feel free to hit me up on aim at any time, sn Zanne turtle. However, I am horrible with names so please don't be TOO offended if I can't for the life of me remember who you play. >_> Apologies in advance! I'll probably be spending the next few days making tables and charts to try and keep track of everyone.

Anyhoo! I'm bringing the not-so-social Miss Hazel Prewett into the game, a 6th year Hufflepuff who happens to be a prefect. Hazel is the type of girl who's always in the background but no one can seem to recall her name when they actually notice that she's there. Until recently, Hazel could be found in the company of her best friend, Emma, before Emma turned all hot and popular. To keep from turning into a loner, Hazel has joined the Charms Club, Chess Club, and Theater Club so she'll have something to do besides homework. She also has the blurb of "The Serious One" which completely fits her and in a thread, the most emotion she'll show is a small smile when she's amused.

She's not really looking for friends since she's too busy angsting over the changes in Emma but when she's spoken to, she'll definitely reply back. Some friends ARE of course welcome, though, as are enemies (which is always fun).

Unfortunately, I'm not going to be SUPER social right away since my internet connection leaves much to be desired and it won't be another two weeks until I can get my own. Around 10 pm EST my internet connection completely goes away but I'll be online as much as I can for plotting!
02 post comment

[Fri Jul 2010 @ 5:56pm]

Hey everyone! I just checked the daily events which say that a muggleborn rigged a radio to play muggle music, and I thought the perfect muggleborn to do this would be Valerie! So I'll be putting out an invite/thread tonight! :D

<3 April (Val/Ela/Mickey/Gabe)
07 post comment

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