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daily events + mod journal + rpg + ooc

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[Thu Jul 2010 @ 3:58pm]

Hey, you guys! My name is Kari and I bring you Kelsey Ryan, the loser. :D Everything you need to know about Kelsey is in her profile and I encourage you to check it out because I'm rather proud of her journal layout! I'd give you a quick run down but, as it is, I'm a bit pressed for time. I'm a camp counselor, you see, and I only get two hours off a day.

In any case, I've only got one week of camp left after this and then I'll be around a whole lot more. Please leave me some plot ideas or welcomes or whatever because I can check my email from my cellphone!

My email address, if you have any sort of questions you'd like to shoot directly and get a quicker response to, is I'm really excited, you guys, thanks so much!
021 post comment

[Wed Jul 2010 @ 4:18am]

Sorry for my random disappearing this week. I'm in the midst of midterms, so things are a bit BLECH right now. I will attempt to tag as much as I can in the meantime. PROMISE I haven't forgotten you lovelies!

06 post comment

[Wed Jul 2010 @ 2:08am]

Hey everyone! It's Meghan again with my next character!

This is Phillip Fawcett, and he is your run of the mill adorable nerd, who may know how to brew a perfect polyjuice potion, but couldn't talk to a girl to save his life. He is a sixth year Ravenclaw and Casey Whisp's cousin. You can almost always find him in the Library, and he is more than willing to help you out with your schoolwork. His bio is here, and you should check it out for further details as my brain is no longer working.

He needs all the normal things, friends/enemies/etc.

♥ Meghan
028 post comment

[Wed Jul 2010 @ 4:12am]

Okay, okay. This one is the last one, I absolutely promise! Leah here with character number six (yes, yes, I know), Toby Trimble!

Toby here is a 6th year Ravenclaw, a Muggleborn, and a massive comic book nerd. I'm not even joking. The kid is pretty much obsessed. He tries not to let his geek flag fly around the ladies (for obvious reasons), but his close friends know how much of a dork he is. Upon leaving school, he wants to be a comic book artist and takes it very seriously. He can usually be found drawing said comics in his spare time, but hardly ever shows his work off.

Personality-wise, Toby is very loud. You're more likely to hear him before you see him. He's extremely friendly and open-minded, one of those good guys who you can count on to make you laugh at the most improper times by just pulling a face. Although he isn't the smartest Ravenclaw, he definitely has a brain and isn't afraid to use it. Oh, did I mention what a complete and utter nerd he is?

Toby's CS can be found here for your viewing pleasure! Basically, he'll be needing the standard order - friends/enemies/past girlfriends/future love interests/crushes/etc! If you think your characters can fill any of those requirements, drop a line!
019 post comment

[Tue Jul 2010 @ 9:21pm]
Please run the friends button!

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[Tue Jul 2010 @ 10:00am]

Thanks to the united effort of Nina Dawlish and Vickie Dillon, today at lunch, desert will be more adventurous than usual.
If you try the sticky toffee pudding, it will explode in your face. Not at all dangerous, but very, very sticky...
01 post comment

Quick introduction! [Mon Jul 2010 @ 6:55pm]

Hey y'all! My name is Deidre and I'm currently sitting at the beach and decided to make my first post over here!!! :-D

I am bringing a new Albus Severus Potter, everyone calls him Al except for Scorpius who calls him Sev! He is a Prefect but actually skirts his prefect duties when he is with Scorpius. (BFFs for life!) Al loves licorice wands and apple juice! His favourite subject is Astornomy and he is a big giant nerd! We lovehim for this though.

If you want to plot/talk/make laughter, getting in touch with me by email is probably the best way. I'm always on my AIM because of my cellphone so it's probably not the best place if you need a speedy response or something. :-D

oh yes, Al inherited the I am so angry I am going to bottle it up! Potter gene!

016 post comment

[Mon Jul 2010 @ 12:02pm]

Amanda here with my fourth: Introducing Dorian Boardman, who brings the Gryffindor Sixth Year boys up to the happier number of two. Dorian is lazy (he's in only four classes, and has often almost failed the entire year), hates curfews and rules (he gets detention all the time), and likes anyone who treats others well, most especially Gryffindors. He's very wary of Slytherins, gets easily infuriated by bulllies, and loves to get into fights.

It's important to know that his father is washed-up would-be rockstar Stubby Boardman (the one who was supposedly Sirius Black in '95), even though he's never met him, and it's never been confirmed. His mother is crazy in a Luna Lovegood kind of way, only a little crazier, but redeemably loving. So he has some anger issues.

Dorian's blurb is The Wild Child: Breaks rules just for the sake of it, just because he can. This, combined with a distinct dislike of studying, might end up with him failing the year, if he weren't under the careful tutelage of The Genius. He's also a big fan of The Raincloud, and cousins with Alexandria Quigley.

Anyway, Dorian wants to play with all of you! :)
013 post comment

[Mon Jul 2010 @ 10:42am]

Hey guys!! I'm sorry for being so lame the past couple weeks - I was running around on vacation and then I got really sick. ANYWAY Skye/Orna/Zachary/forthcoming Dorian are back and I will race about getting to everything I've missed/neglected! I'll also be on AIM more regularly - kissmecassius - otherise you can always email me at

<333 Amanda
04 post comment

[Sun Jul 2010 @ 8:09pm]
Please run the friends add, lovely people!

ETA: Run it again!

As a reminder, our first Activity Check is on the calendar for Monday, August 2! Please make sure that your characters all have at least one (1) journal entry and have participated in at least one (1) thread, so that they pass the check. House Points will also be updated at this time!

Remember, for House Points, complete threads get bonus points, but only if they're marked complete! So if you've finished up threads, make sure to go back and mark them if you haven't already! (If you're not sure if a thread is complete, as the other person or a mod. :D)
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[Fri Jul 2010 @ 12:11am]

Hello everyone. My name is Kay, and I'm bringing the lovely, and slightly crazy, Caitlin Cadogan to the game.

She's your typical Gryffindor. Loyal, energetic, reckless, a bit overly courageous sometimes. She's the kind of girl who can't stay still for very long, and picks up new hobbies and sports all the time. Caitlin also has a tendency to break, well, everything that's breakable in her immediate vicinity. Always by accident, of course. Her full personality is in the journal, if you'd like to see more.
07 post comment

[Thu Jul 2010 @ 1:12am]

Hey everyone! Sorry for not being around so much lately! Things've been a bit busy lately and my schedule is a bit off kilter, it's getting the best of me. I'm going to try to be around a bit more though! For those of you I haven't met and haven't gotten around to commenting on your Intro posts yet (I am sorry for the negligence!), I'm Becka and I have Cian Dolohov, a 7th Year Slytherin. You can see his profile here. ^_^

I LOVE plotting so feel free to IM me at occiferbecky, and I'd love to get some more lines for him! Friends, enemies, any of the endless girls he's been with behind his girlfriend's back, people who make bets with him, anything at all!

Thanks! <3Becka
01 post comment

[Wed Jul 2010 @ 8:15pm]
Today's the fourth Thursday of the month, and you beautiful people know that means it's Lottery Scene Day!

Before we get to the scenes, though, kindly run your friends button!

And now, without further ado, the lottery scenes! If you are new and staring at this post with your head slightly cocked to the side, see here for an explanation! Remember, lottery scenes are optional!

One new thing about lottery scenes: With the new house points system, lottery scenes are worth 1.5x as many points! So, if you participate, instead of the thread being worth 10 points, it's worth 15 for each involved character (provided this isn't the thread that makes you pass activity). Oooh, aaaaah, wooooow, etc. :)

» While Vickie Dillon is setting up her latest prank, she is caught red handed by Eleanore Fortescue. It's up to Eleanore to decide whether she turns in the miscreant or lets her off with a warning.
» Sam George is sitting by himself in the Gryffindor common room, looking rather forlorn. Aiden Jordan chooses to try and cheer him up, so he sits down by him and starts telling bad jokes.
» Professor Whelpton, in an attempt to get people to branch out of their usual comfort zones, assigns Potions partners for one week only. Christian Ross and Cian Dolohov get paired together and are assigned to research and eventually make polyjuice potion. It is up to both boys whether they wish to put aside any differences and get on with their research (both in and out of class), or potentially fail the assignment.
» With the current weather situation, the grounds outside are filled with mud. Unfortunately for Emma Bailey, she accidentally drops her bag into a puddle, ruining everything inside, which includes her Muggle Studies essay. Luckily (or perhaps unluckily?) for her, Rhys Cattermole is nearby as it happens and sees the entire thing. It is up to Emma whether or not to ask Rhys for help, and up to Rhys whether or not to agree.
» Anastasia Morgan is having a bad day and needs an outlet for her frustrations. Along comes Lucy Weasley with a basket of biscuits in her arms, and Anastasia trips her. The biscuits go flying everywhere.
09 post comment

An introduction of sorts [Wed Jul 2010 @ 2:59pm]

Why hello there. My name is Maggie and I shall be bringing you Nina Dawlish. I decided that being an Enabler best fit her personality, so I decided to make that blurb hers with the okay of the lovely mods.

She's overly smart, but doesn't use it to her advantage. She's outspoken, easygoing, artistic, and quite anxious a lot of the time. She's such a good sketch artist that she has a little side business selling portraits and paintings to help raise money for an apartment once she's out of school. Her dad is a control freak, and her mother is a push over. So don't try to tell her what to do or she'll get pretty angry with you. She can come off as sort of rude sometimes, but she doesn't mean it that way. She'll be your best friend and help you with your worst habits.

Her personality is better described in my app so if you're interested, just check it out there. I'm not great at summarizing :p.

Anywho, if anyone wants to be her friends, crushes, not so friendlies, plot, etc. just drop me a line. I really look forward to getting to know everyone.
033 post comment

[Tue Jul 2010 @ 1:26pm]

Daily events state today that one of the Ravenclaws get a broken arm at Quidditch practice. Anyone want to volunteer? You get a cool scar from it, plus sympathy from your captain!

Any takers?
06 post comment

[Sun Jul 2010 @ 2:15pm]
Hey everybody! Two quick little things for you today. :) First, Leah and I have been trying to figure out how to do House Points for ages and we have finally come up with a system that we are happy with! House Points are now dependent on activity.

So, some specifics. As you all know, the activity requirements for Posteritas are that your character posts one journal and participates in one thread each month. However, that's the bare minimum, and now House Points will reward people who go above and beyond! :)

  1. Beyond the initial required one journal per month, for each additional journal your character posts, their House will be awarded five (5) points.
  2. Beyond the initial required one thread per month, for each additional thread your character participates in, their House will be awarded ten (10) points.
  3. For each owl your character sends or replies to, their House will be awarded five (5) points. These five points can only be awarded once per entry; ex: if your character has an owl exchange with another character that lasts six owls, each will receive five points. Team rosters, public notices, bulletins, and so forth are all covered under this category.
  4. For each other character's journal your character replies to, their House will be awarded one (1) point.
  5. For each character that fails the activity check (not drops, but that idles out without telling either mod of their intention to drop), their House will lose fifteen (15) points.

ETA- PS! Threads that are complete and marked as such may receive bonus points. How many is still to be determined. Complete threads are not ones that have just idled off, but threads that actually reach a natural conclusion, like the characters parting ways, etc. This is a complete thread, this is not.

Quidditch matches also affect House Point totals. Quidditch matches have been determined ahead of time by random dice rolls, but when a team wins a Quidditch match, their House will be awarded twenty (20) points.

Just as a little example, for those of you who learn best by them (like me :D)...Sally is a Gryffindor. During July/September, Sally posts four journals, replies to nine journals, participates in three threads, sends one owl, and replies to two owls. So, 3*5 + 9*1 + 2*10 + 1*5 + 2*5 = 59 points to Gryffindor. Tadah!

Leah and I will tally this when we do the activity check, which will be the first of each month. We'll post a list in the OOC with how many House Points each character has earned as well as the totals, and we'll also update the House Point totals on the Daily Events page.

Second order of business, staff aides! We've talked a bit about this and there is a bit in the FAQ about it, but now we're making it all official and shit, 'cause we like things that are official and shit. An aide helps out for a couple of hours a week (anywhere from 1-5) in either the library (Madame Veda), the nurse's office (Healer Nott), the greenhouses (Professor Longbottom), or the paddocks (Professor Pendragon). They do menial tasks, like making beds, watering plants, reshelving books, and so on. Each staff member can only have one aide at a time, but a student can aide for more than one staff member if they so choose. Students can only aide on weekdays between breakfast and dinner (and not during meals), so any time from 9AM-5PM that they don't have class.

So that the aide blocks aren't overlapping, please reply to this post if you're interested in having your kid pick up an aide block, and we will add them to the list we're working on right now. If you decide you want an aide block in two weeks or whatever, reply to the Class Schedules/Rosters/Staff post.

That's it! Any questions/etc can be left here, if I suck at explaining. :D
013 post comment

I have returned! [Sat Jul 2010 @ 5:56pm]

I am officially back from my whirlwind tour of Vienna/Venice/Paris and everywhere in between. I should be more active now and will hopefully quickly catch up on the things I've missed out on. If anyone needs to get a hold of me my aim is xmessrpadfootx. Anyone up for a thread with Julia, Teddy or Joelle?
06 post comment

[Sat Jul 2010 @ 12:19am]


James has owled Harry asking for help with his recent girl troubles, see here (summed up in the letter, I'm not arrogant enough to assume you all follow my every post, lmfao). Now the Potter/Weasley family is very close and obviously they share things, so I'm thinking Harry told Ginny and Ron and Hermione, and then the news was spread especially by Molly when it got to her, so!

Point is, if you want to have your character's parent send James an owl with questionably helpful advice? Be my guest, I would be thrilled Obvs not required, but if you feel like it, go ahead :) Also any children who James didn't tell directly but may have heard the story (or a convoluted version) through the family grapevine, feel free to ask him about it. :)
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[Fri Jul 2010 @ 8:35am]

Oi! Annie with a second kid here.

Aiden Jordan - he's a 7th year Gryffindor, Quidditch Commentator, takes after his dad in every way possible except for the dreadlocks. Aiden is a sweetheart, he's very chivalric to the ladies but when he gets around his mates [whoever you are!] he does get rather immature and boyish. He likes expressing his thoughts whether it's inside or outside of class, he has a very long fuse so it does take quite a bit to piss him off. The only thing that really gets him is if someone picks on his friends or his family. Um...he knows how to cook! His mum taught him when he was little since Lee was in and out of the house commentating for Pro Quidditch, so you could say that he's sort of a momma's boy. He loves his mum, Demelza Robins, VERY much and he has a wee sister as well! He tried out for the Quidditch team third year, didn't make it, he was pretty crushed and he still gets a little jealous/envious when he commentates.

SO. He needs friends, BFFs, maybe a few kids who piss him off a lot, crushes?/past/future relationships um....yeah. That's all I can think of?

016 post comment

[Fri Jul 2010 @ 4:20pm]
We have new characters! Please run the button!

On another note, if any of your characters require a handwriting font and they haven't yet claimed them, please go to this page and let us know which font you'd like!

Keep it up guys, the game is coming along swimmingly!
01 post comment

[Wed Jul 2010 @ 10:17pm]

I apologize for threads needing to be tagged! I promise you haven't been forgotten. Unfortunately school is eating me alive, but within the next 24-hours, I will have conquered the beast (aka: caught myself up)!

That said, I'm about to start a thread for Violet's birthday since we talked a bit about it via Rose's journal. It's open invitation, so even characters who may not know her as well have probably heard about it. Pretend I sent things out. I don't imagine Rose is near the slacker I am.

Cheers, loveys.
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Newbie alert! [Wed Jul 2010 @ 8:25pm]

Hey everyone! I'm Meghan, and I am bringing you Emma Bailey, who has the blurb of The Post Make-over.

Emma was a fairly quiet girl before her big transformation. She had friends, and she wasn't out-right FAILING any of her classes, but she was by no means very well-known around the school. Then she went away for the summer, only to come back a new person. Her change has not positively affected her personality the way it did her looks. She's become intransed with the attention that is being showered on her, and loves the fact that everyone notices her now. This has caused her to drift away from old friends, not always in huge ways, but she's attracted to what she views as the high life, and the pretty people.

Her full bio is here, so you should go check it out.

I'm looking for all sorts of things plots wise. From old friends that she has started to pull away from, to new 'friends' that want to use her, to smarmy guys that want to be all up ons. So, plot with meh?
024 post comment

[Tue Jul 2010 @ 9:59pm]

Hello beautiful people! It's one half of your mod team, Lily, who has belatedly realized she forgot to intro her newest baby. Whoops. xD

This is Sebastien Smith, who also answers to Bastien. Sebastien's blurb is The Gossip: (S)He likes nothing better than spreading lies about other people, probably because his/her own life is so boring. The only person (s)he leaves alone is The Jackass, for reasons unknown. Of course, the reason is just unknown because he hasn't told anyone. It's that he's scared of Sophia, so there's that. & other blurb related goodies, Becka, we need to talk about them being friends/casual mates/wevs they are. :)

Other than that...Sebastien's mother is from France, so he speaks both French and English fluently. He likes spreading and making up rumours, true or not, and he wants to write for a wizarding tabloid upon graduation (I imagine he and Orna will not get on so well, which should be very fun). Bastien's a prefect, a follower, a huge coward, and very manipulative: he would tell you anything to get you to trust him and share your secrets with him. Also, careful not to leave your dropped notes lying around in his presence, 'cause he will pick them up, read them, and use them to his advantage.

So yeah, that's Bastien in a nutshell! He needs friends (he only has a few), people who trust him enough to share secrets with him (aka you giving me OOC permission to fuck up your character's life), people he's burned before, and so on and so forth! :D
028 post comment

[Mon Jul 2010 @ 8:49pm]
Hi all! We have lots of new adds here! Everybody welcome Annie to the game, who brings us Hannah Diggle! Carrie has picked up Lucy Weasley and Lily has picked up Sebastien Smith. Unfortunately, Doran has decided to drop Albus Potter.

Please run the button!

06 post comment

OOC post about Vickie Dillon’s first prank [Sat Jul 2010 @ 11:47pm]

(This got somewhat complex. I’m exhausted now.)
Just a bit of info that might be useful for anyone interested. Here is the list of songs and locations where they are found.
02 post comment

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