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February 2010



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Posts Tagged: 'speech'

Sep. 1st, 2009


McGonagall's Welcome Speech


Welcome all to another year at Hogwarts school.

As you have probably seen, this year, along with our new first year students, we will be accommodating an extra year group. Our previous graduating students have returned to Hogwarts to finish their NEWT studies to satisfactory ministry standards and will be working alongside the current seventh years.

I know that being back in Hogwarts after so little time is probably a large shock to all of you who were present here last year. All of us have suffered losses from the battles fought here and elsewhere and all of us played our parts in obtaining the freedom we have today.
All of your must remember that those who died, they died for us. To protect us, and help us, and stop us from losing our freedom. We are the legacy of our loved ones. We live today for them and because of them.

It’s difficult to lose someone close to you, and for most of you I know the pain will still be fresh and the wounds still healing, but it is important for all of us not give up or lose ourselves in grieving or in thoughts of revenge. Your lives are the greatest gift given to you, and each of you has something to give in return. To live your life filled with regrets, or clinging to old grudges would be an affront to those that gave their own .

It will be hard, but as a wise man once said, time heals all wounds. And we should all be able of relying on each other to aid in this healing.

As a mark of respect, you will all be given a week of grace without classes, to readjust to your surroundings and rebuild your relationships. All members of staff will be available for you to talk to, should you need someone to confide in. The prefects from your houses and the head boy and girl are also on hand should you wish to speak in confidence to someone closer to your own age.

All that remains for me to say is how good it is to see you all, how glad I am to see so many old faces and so many new ones. Each and every one of you here is a celebration of the world we are building, and each of you have the brightest futures ahead.

Enjoy your feast, and welcome home.