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I appreciated the strike. [Mar. 22nd, 2008|08:25 am]
This strike was great. I came over here to spend my time on Insane Journal, and found a bunch of people doing the same thing or supporting the strike in some way. It helped me get started using Insane Journal.

We should just do that every Friday.
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Results [Mar. 22nd, 2008|01:28 am]
[mood | cheerful]

First off, thanks to everyone who supported the strikers! :D We definitely appreciated the help! (HUGS!)

Second, I've lurked, and found some results.

1) Many people are jerks of a high degree. Unsurprisingly, they attempted to make up for and out-do our lack of posting. This would be where I post a failcat for them.

2) Someone attempted to contact the organizer and offered to hack LJ in support. She broke the picket line to report it. (applauds) Maybe someone will disagree with me, but part of the point of this was to not hurt LJ. I completely agree that reporting it was the only way to go. Hacking is serious!

3) In reply to a support request, Marta said that Anton Nossik isn't anyone important in LJ or SUP and that what he said was an opinion only, and doesn't reflect the company.

4) Take this with a grain of salt. These numbers compare a Thursday to a Good Friday (Thursdays are historically slow on LJ though, and while posting is slow on Good Friday for some people, for others who have a day off from work but are not religious it would be faster) and are therefore skewed. Also, the anti-strike forces diminished our impact by posting insanely and spamming.

ETA: I goofed - the posts are in the thousands. So I edited the info. It doesn't change the ratios though. Also, comments contain 2007-2007 comparison for Good Friday and the Thursday prior. :D

Posting on LJ yesterday was 195,200. Today, it was 167,900. That's a difference of 27,300 posts, or 13.9%! Even with the skewed numbers, I'd say we had an impact.
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Feeds going dead [Mar. 21st, 2008|01:25 pm]

Well this is content related. I realized yesterday I hadn't seen a post for [info]crack_impala in a while, and discovered it hasn't updated since the 12th. Until then it was updating every day since it was opened last August. Anyone have any idea why a feed would just stop like that?
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Last Half [Mar. 21st, 2008|08:44 am]
[mood | twitchy]

Well, we're in the last half of the official Strike. I thought I could go a whole 24 hours without doing more than Anon commenting. BOY was I wrong. The verification process just annoys me, and OpenID (as I keep whining) seems to be holding its own strike. So now I have an IJ. And another little piece of me breaks. (sigh) But I suppose I can occupy myself by altering my pre-made layouts to fit IJ, so at least that's one thing to do... It took me forever to get used to GJ's layout differences, and now look where that went!

One of my major hurdles so far is that I want to blog about not blogging. Does that make any sense at all? There's this incredible urge to rant about how unexpectedly hard this is. I didn't realize how much I'd gotten used to using LJ as my vent/cheer forum (or how much I used to just browse and lurk in comment threads!) until I deliberately stopped doing it. Is anyone else experiencing this? For that matter, how many people are (also) considering staying away for a weekend rather than a day?
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[Mar. 21st, 2008|03:52 am]

I would like to announce a week-long friending frienzy in [info]friend_me for those who like Bottom Harry . It begins Friday, March 21st and lasts a whole week long!

A fundamental fanon HP question:
Harry/Draco, Who is the Top; Who is the Bottom? can be solved at [info]hp_polls 

Hopefully people will make more friends and have a good time :)

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Advice on Being Spammed on LJ right now [Mar. 21st, 2008|02:46 am]

My LJ is currently being spammed by a couple of scabbish trolls on LJ. Does anyone happen to know the addy for getting directly to your journal settings on LJ, so I can go directly there and not click on more pages than that one to set my journal on friends only until the end of the strike?

Thanks! I appreciate the help.
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Strike Plans for the OTC [Mar. 20th, 2008|07:57 am]

OTC is participating in the strike by willfully generating new content, and with your help lots.

Starting today at 4pm EST and continuing on until the end of Friday EST, we are shooting for one new post an hour. (MORE IS OKAY!) They can be on anything, whether it's the strike directly or unrelated. I'd like OTC asylum members on IJ to provide content to keep the striking/boycotting LJers occupied. All posts must be open so that Open ID can be used. Feel free to join and post!

I'm asking OTC members to comment in the posts as much as they can to generate conversation in addition to posting, and to answer questions about IJ and encourage new IJers to post in OTC if they can't answer. As a part of the strike, we are rolling out the welcome mat to help as we can new IJers get oriented to the site.

[info]off_topic_cafe, a discussion asylum that centers around absolutely nothing, except discussion.

Not just questions, not just drama, not just one specific topic, just discussion of whatever the community wants. This discussion could be as intellectual as you want in one post, and could could be a flame fest the next. If any of you remember the old Fidonet BBS was--various threads on every topic imaginable. Each poster sets the tone for the post. If you wanna have a flame war--post that in the post, wanna discuss your thesis seriously, make that clear. Community members will honor that request. At the end of the day though, the point is to generate discussion here in this community. Please keep that in mind when you post.
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META FRIDAY: Content Party at IJ! [Mar. 20th, 2008|12:58 pm]
Who: You.

What: Posting and commenting on meta! Any meta you like - short meta, long meta, serious meta, silly meta, fandom-specific meta, general fandom meta.

Where: IJ - your journal, your favourite fandom comm, [info]metametameta (general fandom meta), [info]mind_over_meta (specific fandom meta), [info]picket_line (the place for LJ strikers to meet), in comments of other people's meta, wherever you enjoy posting and commenting.

When: Friday, March 21, midnight to midnight, anywhere on earth. (So, if it's already Friday somewhere in the world, go ahead and post - if it's still Friday somewhere in the world, go ahead and post.)

Master-list of meta posts - comment with link and topic to be added!

Affiliates: [info]das_dingsi's IJ Asylum Meme. (Everybody's welcome, not only writers of meta! Join the party!)

Please feel free to pimp:

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Things To Do On Friday [Mar. 19th, 2008|05:00 pm]

[mood | useful]
[music |Twisted Sister, "We're Not Gonna Take It"]

In this asylum's profile, on of the "purposes" given is to help all the people over here from LJ "fight the urge to check that f-list" among other things. And I though that if people had some interesting things to look at over here, this might become a little easier. So I've made a list of asylums that you might want to brose through and post in to pass the time. :)

[info]fandomdirectory: find out if there's an asylum on IJ for your fandoms.
[info]friend_me: post and participate in a variety of fandom-related friending memes; helps you find friends in you own fandoms.
[info]asylum_promo: look through asylum ads and see if you find anything that interests you.
[info]off_topic_cafe: discuss anything you like.
[info]efw: Remember The Existential Flame War on LJ? It's like that.

Anyone have any other suggestions? :D
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