Feb. 5th, 2008


Fandom: slash to het

I am confused once again about my fandom. I'm moving away from slash into het more and more, and I'm to the point where I don't even like reading House/Wilson much anymore(I'll still write it though) and would rather read some House/Cameron or Wilson/Cuddy, and now Volakis/Wilson. I even created a het community,[info]house_het!

It just feels weird because of all the slash I've written and read over the years.

I've now got my het goggles on, and the slash ones are in a drawer somewhere. I even 'squeed' when Amber(CTB) came on the screen. And even though it was weird watching them kiss, it was cute!


Feb. 2nd, 2008


Fanfic Ramblings

It's funny when I write for two different pairings, one het and one slash. You get the cuteness and cuddlies with Wilson/Cuddy, and the sexiness and fun with House/Wilson. Though, each of those pairings can be the other's.

I'm in the [info]12_stories challenge. My House/Wilson stories for the challenge tend to be humorous, while the Wilson/Cuddy are serious almost. The last one I wrote(Fortune Cookies; it's with the beta) was actually funny, while the others for Valentine's Day and Christmas were serious. I've written three so far for Wilson/Cuddy and one for House/Wilson.

I've laid it out like this:

Prompts for House/Wilson:

New Year's

Prompts for Wilson/Cuddy

Valentine's Day

I think I worked out the prompts very well, and I've already completed four out of twelve!

Look for more fics soon!
