October 2013



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Aug. 16th, 2013


Who: Asher and Tabitha Johnston
What: 'Talking'
Where: Tabby's house
When: After bailing him out
Rating: PG-13 for possible language

”Shut )

Aug. 12th, 2013



Who: Rosie Buckley and Lucas Swanson
What: Dinner, movie and a walk on the beach. 
Where: All the places mentioned above!
When: This weekend.
Rating: PG

She may have had a tiny crush on him when she was younger, when she'd just been another silly kid. )

Aug. 10th, 2013


Who: Cassie Colborough, Charles Turner and Chris Turner
When: Saturday August 10th
Where: Charles and Chris' apartment
What: Cassie & Charles get outed
Rating: PG-13? TBA

--- )

Aug. 5th, 2013


Who: Dylan March and Aalis Templeton
What: Aalis and Dylan tlalk.
Where: Hospital Room
When: Backdated July 30
Rating: R


Aug. 1st, 2013


Beach House Birthday Discussion/Threads

Who: Everyone.
What: Robbie's Surprise Birthday Party
When: Friday August 2 - Sunday August 4
Where: The Tanner Beach House

Happy Birthday Robbie! )

May. 22nd, 2013



Who: Rosie Buckley and Open.
What: She wants ice cream.
Where: Ice cream shop
When: Wednesday May 22 afternoon
Rating: R for safety.

Luckily there wasn't anyone else in line so she could take her time.  )

May. 19th, 2013


Charles spent a good deal of time staring at that text message before he responded to her. He didn't know which emotion to feel. He was confused, he was angry, he was hurt. He didn't understand how she could have kept this from him. How she could think he didn't have a right to know. She controlled the situation and denied him the right to mourn his lost child. And for them to help each other.

He didn't want to talk to her at his place. He didn't want to hear anything from his siblings right now. There was no way he could deal with what they had to say with so many different emotions bubbling up inside him. Instead he asked her to meet him at the beach. It was easy to find a secluded spot. Not many people braved the ocean or the beach as it wasn't quite summer yet.

He arrived nearly half an hour earlier than he told Ingrid to meet him. Charles had tried to wait but he just couldn't sit around the house. The ocean waves rolled and crashed against the shoreline. He sat there with his arms resting on his knees as the same question and thoughts repeated through his mind.

May. 18th, 2013


Who: Ingrid Tanner and Dean Chapman
When: Monday May 13th, mid-afternoon
Where: LBU campus, outside Ing's classes
What: BFF reunion, Dean's checking up on her
Rating: Low/TBD

--- )

May. 11th, 2013


Who: Cassie Colborough and Charles Turner
When: Saturday night, May 11th
Where: outside the theater, walking to the car
What: Hanging out. Maybe making out. Or talking.
Rating: TBA.

Cassie didn't really know what she was doing. )

Apr. 8th, 2013


Who: Thomas and whoever else. Because who wouldn't want to crash a rockstar's party if they could?
What: House party
When: Backdated to Saturday night (Because Aimee got all distracted by shiny)
Where: The Stirling siblings house! Outside.
Rating: TBA

IC/OOC whatever, tell who came and what they did, play stuff out. HAVE FUN!

Alright - Thomas is renting not buying. The bedrooms are off limits to party guests unless Thomas or Riley take you up. Links to downstairs rooms and their appearance below

Living room ; Dining room ; Kitchen

His friends had taken the part about inviting whoever to heart )

Mar. 20th, 2013


Who: Sophie & OPEN
What: Open Mic Night
When: Tuesday night, March 20th
Where: Princeton Landing
Rating: TBA/ probably pretty tame

so what, I'm still a rock star )

Posted via Journaler.

Feb. 13th, 2013





Feb. 8th, 2013



Who: Candy Thompson and Theo Morgenstern.
What: She's telling him that she's pregnant. Oops?
Where: Candy's Apartment.
When: Friday February 8, 2013 evening.
Rating: R for safety.

There isn't a book for this part though there really should be. )

Feb. 7th, 2013


Who: Aidan Tanner and Lisa Thompson.
What: Luna Bay High School
When: Firday Morning Before School
Rating: G

“Now )

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