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Jul. 3rd, 2008


The first and second wonder of what's left of the world.

Who: Izzy and Kieran
What: Discovering Canhenge. And pot.
Where: The motel.
When: July 2nd

So what do you think? Queen Isabella of Normalville? Empress Izzy? Grand Duchess of Asskicking? )
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Jun. 28th, 2008


Making a list and checking it twice...

Who: Kieran ot anyone
Where: at the Motel
When: June 28th
Why: Kieran has a clever plan! Really.

Kieran already'd made some improvements to the place - he'd patched up a few holes, fixed a few plumbing leaks that weren't beyond his capabilities. He still couldn't figure out why it sounded like a freight train coming every time he flushed the shitter in his room - one of life's unsolvable mysteries. He'd also stockpiled quite a bit of stuff in room 9 - to the point that it was getting to be a little bit of a tight fit in there. He'd have to ask Izzy if he could expand his territory into one of the adjacent rooms. His nightly forages would also be easier if he could enlist Izzy's help - as she had a vehicle and knew how to drive it. He wasn't sure how she'd feel about the whole loot-and-pillage thing though, so he hadn't broached the subject.

Right now, he was on the motel lawn, lounging in a deliciously comfortable (and very stolen) lawn chair. He sipped a cold Bud (also salvaged) and worked on making some annotations to the plan he'd come up with for survival in these difficult times.


1. Become Spiderman - not going well. Need new plan one.

2. Steal shit.
Salvage what can be salvaged to stockpile supplies. (Non perishable food, tools, BEER, weapons) -- Going okay. Still need to find a gun.

3. Fortify motel to get Izzy to think I'm less of a douchebag to survive possible zombie apocalypse. -- Going slow but okay. Still no signs of zombies.

4. Porn. -- ACQUIRED - man, some of the people in this town had some kinky shit. Who would have known Mrs. Jenkins was into that?

5. Make friends and try to figure out who is in charge of town now and if no one is, TAKE OVER AND RULE AS KING! -- Been too lazy/busy to get to this one.

6. Explore ruins to see if some ancient indian burial ground or alien artifact is keeping us all safe from the end of the world. Kinda need to get people to go with me to do this - not a good idea to do alone

7. Visit my old house No. STFU Adam.

8. DRUGS - Why is no one on this town on anything good?


Anywhere but Here

Who: Pierce and Izzy
When: After Pierce doesn't feel like he's dying . . . (June 28)
Where: On the street, not far from the clinic.
Why: He's tired of being tired.

While he enjoyed his work, he needed time away . . . )
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Jun. 24th, 2008


[in progress] Come down to lake Ponchatrain, rest your soul and feed your brain.

Who: Quinn, Edie, a cameo by Mennie, and soon to be joined by Wade
What: Swimming in the lake
Where: The town green, Lake Ponchatrain, and the B&B
When: June 24th

Quinn blinked at her, trying to follow the sudden outburst and wondering if this was what he sounded like when he went off on a nerd tangent. )
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Jun. 23rd, 2008


White Horse Whiskey

Who: Ghost and Mac
When: shortly after Ghost's arrival
Where: The Normal Bar
Why: Ghost needs to be less sober.

Ghost wandered towards the Normal Bar, in search of solace in the form of White Horse Whiskey. Ever since he'd learned of Dylan Thomas, drinking himself to death at the White Horse tavern on 18 straight shots of whiskey to celebrate each of his 18 poems - Ghost had drunk nothing but. He could only hope that this strange pop-o-matic bubble of a town still contained such delicacies. He pushed open the door, and peered inside.

Mac was fiddling with the jukebox, and managed to figure out how to rig it to play without charging. What was the point? The economy was nonexistent, as far as he could tell. He'd just finished setting the thing to random when the door opened. He turned catching sight of a young man who was peering int he door. "Hey," he said, heading back to stand behind the bar. "How's it going?"

"The world is ending outside the bubble, so ... bad? But here, not-so." Ghost padded the rest of the way into the bar, absorbing the atmosphere of the place as he walked, touching tables and chairs as he passed them. "Do you have white horse whiskey?" he asked, in his whisper-thin voice, tilting his head to the side to contemplate the barkeep.

Drunk and dreaming... )
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Jun. 22nd, 2008


Who: Bazzer & Mac
Where: the bar
Why: because Bazzer needs a drink!
When: Today!

Viva La Vida )
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[Complete] The World Ended, and the Dog Wants to Play with a Stick

Who: Lilly & Open
Where: Town Green
When: June 22
What: Playing fetch with Charisma

Lilly dusted her hands off after she finished tilling her garden. Luckily, the weather had held up and, after eating food that she had pulled out of the ground for the past few weeks and not getting radiation sickness, she was almost positive that the soil wasn't tainted. All of this meant that she could still squeeze in some more seeds to grow some more food for the winter. She hoped to at least have enough for herself but, if the good weather held, she may actually have enough to barter for other things that she might need. Luckily, gas wasn't really a problem for her, since she could walk anywhere in town. She could walk all day, even if she had that damn limp.

Lilly walked back into her house, locking the door behind her. She called out to Charisma and the little dog came running out from the hallway, seemingly knowing that it was time for her walk. Lilly grabbed the leash and, after hooking her to it, led her out the front door, locking it behind her. She didn't use to bother locking the door in Normalville but, with the turn of events, she didn't want anything bad to happen. Lilly walked the dog to the Town Green, enjoying the fresh air as Charisma, once released from her leash, immediately ran off and returned with a stick for fetch. "The world blew up around us, and you want to play fetch?" she asked the dog. "I wish I could be as carefree as you." Still, she took the stick from the dog's mouth and threw it out for her to fetch, watching as the little black and brown Chihuahua ran off, bringing the stick back a few moments later.
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Jun. 21st, 2008


Losing Hope Yet Again [Complete]

Who: Pierce and Anyone
What: He’s entering town and didn’t quite get there . . .
Where: Outskirts of town, nearby wherever the “welcome” sign might be.
When: June 21 at Night

Ten miles away he abandoned the truck. )
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Jun. 19th, 2008


Bust out the jello and bikini's - bitches about to throw down.

Who: Izzy and Mim
What: Verbal sparring at it's finest.
Where: Grocery Store
When: June 19th

It's my lucky day. I was hoping I'd run into the Patron Bitch of bullshit this morning. )

Jun. 18th, 2008


The Ghost of another world....

Who: Ghost, ot anyone who wants to find him
Where: The Library
Why: Ghost has been sucked into Normalville from his home world.
When: June 18th

Ghost remembered the feeling, the everything changing seconds before he became insubstantial, a part of everything, and then the void spitting him back out into... a library of some sort. He felt a peace here, a safe haven that extended out past the library across the town-in-the-valley. Then the big sheltering mountains, and past them .... the desolation of the world.

He shivered, and pulled himself into a tight ball there among the books that he'd displaced in his arrival. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice whisper thin and barely audible at all.

"Is anyone there?" he asked a bit louder. "Steve?"

"Fuck you, Ghost."

Not aloud, but in his head - those were the last words he remembered Steve speaking, before he'd turned back to his beer and the road. They'd had an argument- as much as they ever had arguments, which were all one-sided with Ghost simply nodding or cringing or protesting as the situation required. He felt twisted up in knots thinking those words over and over again. The words had a color - angry red, and a flavor like a bad copper penny in the back of his mouth. He kept tasting the words, and he choked them back along with the tears as he forced himself to focus.

Strange library, strange town... strange Ghost in a world where he didn't belong. He would have to find something, someone, to explain to him what the rules were. Every place had rules, and this one would be no exception. He would need to know what was expected of him - not that he could always deliver, but it made things easier, certainly, when he understood what they expected. What the parameters were.

"Do I belong here?" he whispered softly, wanting to taste words other than 'fuck you'. He had no answer for himself - only the feeling of intense guilt that he'd quite possibly caused Steve's death. Was Ghost dead, himself? That would be an irony, he thought- given his name. That would be some irony. But his hands, while still as pale as ever, felt solid. He clasped them together, dug his nails into his palms just enough to realize that he could still feel the pain. He was real. And alive. And ... somewhere.
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Cause it's homey. [Complete]

Who: Izzy and Kieran
Where: The Motel
Why: Kieran needs a place to stay
When: June 17th

Half this place's charm is the fact that it's a shithole. )
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Jun. 17th, 2008


Girls will be girls. [in progress]

Who: Mac and Edie, joined by Simon
What: Strip drinking
When: June 7th (before Mac's journey to the outside)
Where: The Bar

Are you saying it's impossible that I'm a fucking gentleman? I'm as fucking gentle as they come, sweetheart. )


We're not in Kansas anymore

Who: Bazzer & Open! (Simon perhaps?)
Where: The Library basement
When: today
Why: Bazzer's unexpected arrival

Where ever he was, it was not where he had been... )

Jun. 16th, 2008


[in progress] Another Return

Who: Clara St. James and Mac McGregor
What: One heading out, the other heading home.
Where: North of the valley in the BAD PLACE
When: June 16

Okay, so this had turned into a really shit idea. )


[in progress] Wanderlust

Who: Coby M. Lewis and whoever wants to find him
What: This boy needs saving!
Where: Just outside of town, on the northside of the road
When: June 16

Oh goody, ANOTHER cornfield! )
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Jun. 15th, 2008


[In Progress] Trying to Find Something to Do

Who: Lilly and Quinn
What: Lilly visits the high school searching for something to distract herself with, and finds Quinn
Where: Normalville High School
When: June 15
Why Dogs Aren't Allowed on School Grounds )
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Jun. 14th, 2008


[in progress] A Meeting of Friends

Who: Simon, Mac, and Mim
What: Simon introduces his bff to his other bff
Where: The Normal Bar
When: June 6th [before Mac leaves]

When Mac decided to visit, Simon was excited to introduce him to Mim. Unfortunately, due to work and other factors, they had put off the meeting, and now that the bombs had gone off, everything was different. A few days into waiting to hear from the search party, Simon dropped by the town hall where Mim was trying to keep herself busy and suggested that meeting, since Mac was still in town and chomping at the bit for something to do.

So here they were, at the Normal Bar, Mac's new place of interest. The bartender was nowhere to be found, so Simon sat at the bar, watching Mac take over behind the bar and fixing them both drinks.


Make like a fetus and head out. [Complete]

Who: Mac and Simon
Where: Simon's place
When: June 14th
What: Mac's patience is up.

I swear to God, if you die out there, I'm going to kill you. )


Sugar meets spice. [complete]

Who: Izzy and Edie Williams
What: Edie needs a place to stay
Where: The motel
When: June 1st [Backdated]

Oh sure, Normalville's overrun with Mafia. No crime around here except the organized kind. )
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[COMPLETE] It's Raining Books Today

Who: Wade Welles, Simon St. James, and Mennie
Where: The Library
When: June 14th
What: Landing in a Bookshelf. OW.

Hit me hard enough to wake me. )

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