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Oh Marvelous

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[23 Sep 2011|07:52pm]
characters: Jess and Tony
setting: Avengers Tower (...before Thor arrives.)
content: I dunno with these kids.
summary: The two haven't been on the best of terms and at this point we don't even think they know why. Today we expect them to cut the crap and figure it out so they can make-up.

Jessica hadn't tried to figure it out. )

[23 Sep 2011|08:21pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

Characters: Thor, Avengers, SHIELD Agents who might have been informed.
Setting: Avengers Tower
Content: Rib cracking hugs? Thor avoiding talking about War stuff when he just seen comrades for the first time in nearly ten years?
Summary: The former Lord of Asgard keeps a promise.

He returned with the rain. )

[ viewing | September 23rd, 2011 ]
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