Oct. 4th, 2008


WHO: Max & [OPEN].
WHERE: Beach.
WHEN: Early morning.
WARNINGS: Um Max is pissy and therefore might swear some, otherwise, let you know.
STATUS: In Progress.

Max Guevara did not approve of this bullshit. This "facility" reminded her a lot of Manticore, which didn't exactly bring back warm fuzzies for the young transgenic. More disturbing than that though, is that it seemed to be the past. The year was 2021 where Max had come from, and here it seemed to be 2008. She was 8 years old, not the 20, almost 21 that she was now. It was strange to think about.

And now she was standing on the beach and looking out at the water. There were too many people here, people that wouldn't understand her. Or maybe they would, maybe Max was giving them too little credit, but there was a lot that was going on that Max would prefer to stay out of.

If Logan were here, he'd be pressing her to help and all, just like back home. It was different there though. She was responsible for all the transgenics she set free from Manticore, she was only responsible for herself here. She wished there was a place like the space needle where she could just go to think. The closest she had here was the roof, and it just wasn't the same.

Oct. 1st, 2008


WHO: Danny Matthews, Blaise Zabini, and Emma DeLauro for sure. Possibly others.
WHERE: The bar.
WHEN: Backdated to noon on Tuesday.
RATING: Erring on the side of caution, let’s say R for any potential language.
WARNINGS: Possibly language. Other than that, nothing that I know of.
STATUS: In Progress

Jinkies, gang! )

Aug. 24th, 2008


Who: Danny and OPEN
What: He’s confused. Philosophically.
When: Now.
Where: The bar.
Rating: Language.
Status: In progress.

Philosophy. Always better with whiskey! )

Jul. 31st, 2008


WHO: Danny and Rory Gilmore
WHERE: The halls.
WHEN: Just after he figures out that this isn’t Jigsaw.
RATING: R. See the warnings for why.
WARNINGS: Lots of swearing. Danny’s mouth has gotten worse since the movie’s end.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Welcome to Oz! )