Lilith ([info]lilithilien) wrote in [info]no7_awz on December 30th, 2010 at 04:18 am
This is amazing! And yes, I'll admit that I lined up two windows side by side so I could watch them simultaneously. AHAHAHAHAHAH THAT WAS FUN! I absolutely love the scenes you've picked, Mystery Vidder, all the ones guaranteed to pack the hardest punch. The RoMarc stuff was especially ouchie, but the MaJe stuff... for a minute there you actually had me hurting for them again and wishing those crazy kids could have just worked things out. (Then I remembered Marian's struggle with assholism and shoved that thought away.) Love the editing and the pace of this, just love it!!

I have no ~dramatic~ walking icons, so ~dramatic~ irony will have to do.
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