Aldi ([info]aldiara) wrote in [info]no7_awz on December 29th, 2010 at 07:02 am
HOLY CRAP, Mystery Vidder! This is intensely brilliant!

I watched the original first, and yes, cracky parody is cracky, but also... not. Because this is perfect in all its DEEP, DRAMATIC, HEART-WRINGING SERIOUSNESS. Man, it's like fictional Essen was just made for dramatic striding and angry emotional phone calls and the world tilting on its axis in ever person's expression! I am so in awe of this editing! The clips work perfectly together, the momentum is so intense and engaging, and like Shelly said, the little story arcs all interlacing like some intricate latticework are BRILLIANT!

There's the DeRoMarc stuff, of course, which is as stabby and breathtaking as ever - I love the moments you've chosen, especially Roman's scenes in his J'aime Paris shirt, and Deniz and Marc striding towards each other; but ooh, then there's MaJe and it ends with Marian being miserable and Jenny being strong, YAY!!!

And La Lena! I've liked her for a while now but I never knew how much I needed her in a fan video! What gorgeous scenes to choose - like with MaJe, I love that you've chosen bits where she's obviously being torn apart but coming out strong. Juliette has such an expressive face and those shots were just perfect.

And do I spot Katja getting totally walked out on by Tom??? And a hint of a genuine happy ending, or at least a genuine chance, for Ben and Izzie??? OMG I must go right back and rewatch to catch all the glimpses and nuances, but I loved those shots of them towards the end so much... Tom walking out without a second glance and his breakdown in the lift, and Izzie showing up to face Ben. BEAUTIFUL!!

Mystery Vidder, I so wish I could put you behind the editing boards at Show. This is fantastic work, I love it so much and I'm completely floored by your mad skills! <333333333333333333333333333333

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