Posts Tagged: 'character:digger+conners'

Jul. 15th, 2019



WHO: Digger and Twitch
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: Cafe Zzyyxx
WHAT: Exchange of sorts
STATUS: Incomplete

The short straw )

Jul. 10th, 2019



Who: Digger & Open (Multiples Welcome)
What: Working
When: July 2nd, 2074
Where: Around New Dublin
Rating: TBD (possibly high, it's Digger)
Status: Open / Incomplete

Dodged a bullet or fired the gun. )

Nov. 21st, 2018



Who: Children of Darkness and Friends (BYOT)
When: Thanksgiving
Where: Warehouse #5 (all night long baby)

Every floor of the warehouse was thumping with music, drugs, alcohol and turkey with stuffing. Even thought their celebration was a bit unconventional (as most CoD celebrations were), Father still found the time to feed his children. New initiates and employees who weren't actual members worked the club that night, and all non-members were turned away (with a few exceptions). At one point during the evening Father ventured down from perch in Level 3 and selected a handful of children to join him on the fourth level VIP room. Their IDent chips would be coded to let them in on that night, and that night alone.



Who: Open to Camelot and Friends (BYOT)
When: Thanksgiving (Event happens at 5:45pm)
Where: Avalon

The Gym was decorated with holiday decor and tables and chairs had been set out in rows. A long table at one end was reserved for the King and Queen and their Knights of the Round (opposite them at the same table their families sat). Along the far walls food was served cafeteria style with lower knights and squires helping to dish out food before getting their own plates and taking a seat. A few of the community partook of food and left, but many took seats and stayed. The King's son could be seen helping by handing people corn or a small cob of corn for a while until he was replaced and he joined his father at the table.

Once everyone had been served (some had already started eating as a lot of people were fed there was no kibosh on eating early), the King and Queen stood to give welcome and thanks for everyone joining. A reminder was given to everyone to stay safe and if anyone wanted company on the way home they just had to find a knight and ask.

At 5:26pm Lancelot received a text about possible Cybermen in the territory. The team said they'd report in when they knew more, and when asked if they needed back up didn't believe it necessary at that point. Arthur and Guinevere were informed and the three of them started to make arrangements for a larger patrol that night.

At 5:45pm one of the squires came in, sheet white and reported to Arthur and Guin that something was happening outside. When the two, along with Lancelot (and unfortunately others who were curious what was happening), went outside they saw their four man patrol strung up on light posts that lined the walkway leading to Avalon's front door. And they were burning.

Jul. 3rd, 2018



Who: Digger and Nori
When: Tuesday, June 26th, 1am (backdated)
Where: House in the Gray
What: Nori’s rescue
Rating: TBD (likely high - it’s Dig)
Status: Closed/In Progress
A wolf on the prowl )

May. 30th, 2018



Who: Digger & Nori
When: Thursday Evening
Where: Digger's home
What: Cashing in on a bet
Rating: Adult, sex and violence. You've been warned.

A wager is a wager. )

Apr. 2nd, 2018



Who: Digger & Nori
When: Monday evening
Where: Warehouse #5 - sub-basement
Rating: High Adult
Triggers: Violence, torture, more?

Into the depths )

Mar. 30th, 2018



Who: Riley Conners & Open (Multiples Welcome)
What: Being Digger
When: Friday
Where: All over the city
Rating: TBD (likely high)
Status: Open / Incomplete

War is good for profits. )

Mar. 29th, 2018



