
My Journals

A bunch of bullshit here
And stuff
Or something

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Apr. 15th, 2018



Purple Smileys

Posting more old graphics from the 2000's I made.

This was my first attempt at making forum emoticons. They are purple and pink, because fuck you, purple and pink go great together.

I have not attempted emoticons since, though. I think I could do better than this, but they were a bigger pain in the ass than I thought they'd be, so I never tried this again. I think I'll give it a shot some time soon though.

Feel free to use, no need to credit/ask permission.

Apr. 12th, 2018




So for today's Old Graphic Post I dug into the nostalgia bin again [I really need to stop abusing the poor thing] and decided to post the userbars I made.

Remember how people used to love putting these in signatures?

If anyone has any desire to use them, of course, please do, just don't claim you made them. No credit or permission necessary

Apr. 10th, 2018



more old aa shit

These are images from an Ace Attorney forum I ran in the 2000's. I dunno if anyone else would ever want to use them, but they're here if you do.

Graphics include buttons and group icons.

I don't remember what font I used for these buttons with the pink text. I just know I was trying to go for something as close to the objection text as I could, I think I even asked on a forum somewhere, maybe Court Records? lol


Some more under the cut )

Apr. 8th, 2018



40 AA Graphic Sets

Are you asking "what the fuck" right about now? Yeah me too. I spent almost all day making a bunch of banners and matching icons [then a whole second batch of larger icons] just because I felt like it after posting my old icons and remembering how I made them from the same template. I did the same thing here, using the template from the Coffee House's banner to make a bunch of similar, matching Ace Attorney graphic sets with extra neon. I did this 40 times because I never know when to quit and oh god damn it I wanted to include that character too. I'll make a new template and do the characters I missed then. Please love me, plaes

These were made for usage on IJ/Dw, forums, or whatever you want, use them as you please no credit or permission from me necessary. I love this canon and will always give back to the fandom so do feel free to share my work

Textures used: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]


almost 100 images under the cut )

Apr. 7th, 2018



Old AA Icons

Hi, back in 2008 or 2009 or so I made a bunch of colourful emoticon icons featuring Ace Attorney characters. They were easy and fun to make so I made lots [nearly 50] of them.

I don't think anybody really wants icons like these any more, but maybe somebody out there will get use of them, who knows.


If you like, feel free to use. No credit or permission necessary, just don't claim as your own.

Cut for length and load time )

Apr. 2nd, 2018



nsfw image host

Hey so this is a relevant time to post this

If you need a place to post & link to your nsfw imagery feel free to use pixxxels, it works just like postimage.

Now why do I say this is relevant? Because I plan on posting the archive of Mystic Wish's "Godot's Coffee House" -- a section for NSFW discussions. These are from around 2009 to 2011 at the latest, maybe? So many of these posts are several years old, many of us were fairly different back then. A lot of roleplay and shitposting. I'll be uploading screencaps from the forum, but for the most part the focus will be on reuploading the text. [I've occasionally edited out an odd typo or misgendering, as well as a handful of posts with weirdly personal info.]

With that I'll be making a super minor change to how I want adult content handled here, so please look here and re-familiarise yourself with the rules if you want to post adult content yourself [hi newcomers from the forum c: feel free to post an intro entry or anything you want].

Mar. 25th, 2018



Mystic Wishcord

Ever since I created this IJ I've been really wanting to create a discord server for Mystic Wish, but a big problem is that I didn't want it to JUST be a discord. It would exclude people that didn't want to or couldn't use the platform, and it just wasn't a forum, it wouldn't be the same.

So I decided to hold back on it until I finished a forum, which I held back on finishing or figuring out ways to procrastinate, because there is a small part of me that feels like it could be too much.

But then I thought... why does it matter if it ends up being too much? So what? I had fun doing it and so far the people that have seen my work have mostly given me positive feedback. And in the end I may get something really good out of it, all that's really lost is some time and effort on my part. And now here we are.

So come in and check it out if you want. No need to be a member of anything. I'll let randos in and stuff, they will just be moderated a bit more closely.

Feb. 21st, 2018



Plurk Label Icons

Hey, anyone here use Plurk? :3

I made some label emote things for people to use in their top-levels or whatever they want, really. I'm using them as images for thread suffixes on a forum, but their appearance was inspired by plurk emotes so I felt it was appropriate to offer them for use.

Do what you like. No credit necessary. Don't claim as your own. No need to ask/tell me if you don't want to.

I kept the PSD so if there's demand for it, I'll provide it. I also don't mind making one on request if you want to comment here with what you want.

Nov. 15th, 2017



i would not tap that

So a while back Invisionfree/zIFboards, a forum service I've used since 2004, announced they were partnering with something called "Tapatalk" but I didn't know anything about it & didn't care.

Until I learned that they were actually going to phase out the whole service & convert it all into Tapatalk, which, if they even said as much from the beginning [and I distinctly don't remember this at all] it wasn't made clear that this was going to be an outright replacement. I'd have had way more time to prepare if I'd known at all, and I definitely wouldn't have registered that board I used for RP a while ago... nor would I have attempted to revive any of my old zIFs but anyway

THIS IS A POST ABOUT HOW TO MAKE SOME FIXES TO A TAPATALK. It assumes you are not using a phone. Don't ask me about phones I don't have one.
Nobody on support has answered me when I ask what Tapatalk is, I still don't know
The rest of this is a terrible Tapatalk tutorial under the cut )

Nov. 6th, 2017




I'm sorry for not posting here for so long, I was really busy with my replay of Dual Destinies -- I wanted to finish it before Miiverse went down, and you know what? I DID IT.

I'm going to celebrate by posting some Miiverse posts that were either in my Yeahs, or some I posted myself. Mostly the former but some of my content is pretty good if u don't mind me tooting my own horn a little

I still can't believe I got away with setting my username as "GenocideGear". I was almost sure I'd get banned for that, I did it as a joke and partly to match my old twitter handle [they're the names of Gigadramon's attacks]