
My Journals

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Posts Tagged: 'community:+throwback'

Nov. 6th, 2017




I'm sorry for not posting here for so long, I was really busy with my replay of Dual Destinies -- I wanted to finish it before Miiverse went down, and you know what? I DID IT.

I'm going to celebrate by posting some Miiverse posts that were either in my Yeahs, or some I posted myself. Mostly the former but some of my content is pretty good if u don't mind me tooting my own horn a little

I still can't believe I got away with setting my username as "GenocideGear". I was almost sure I'd get banned for that, I did it as a joke and partly to match my old twitter handle [they're the names of Gigadramon's attacks]


Sep. 14th, 2017




Hello. It's Thursday.

By now I hope we all know what that means.

Time for a flashback post, this time with copious amounts of Kotetsu, hence the title.

Fuck you I'm clever

This fucking post still makes me laugh uncontrollably hard holy shit. Zigzagoon used Post Reply! )

Sep. 7th, 2017



We all live in a furry world

lmao I try to keep titles short because of the layout on the journal's main page only having a small space, but I don't care this time I'm bringing you some MW posts, many of which could not be possible without the wonderful contributions of the furry fandom

I'd say "this was our furry phase" but we will always have a furry phase because MW is full of fucking furries and I love all of them

the other half of MW's posts are brought to you by any other fandom, though. Yiff in hell [this post is completely sfw] )

Aug. 31st, 2017




We had an omegle thread back when that site connected you to anybody at all without any tag/interest markers or other modes to separate everybody. There wasn't even video yet iirc when these posts were made :V

I almost called this entry "Trollmegle" but we weren't really trolling & that name has already been used for something far more creative anyhow

You know the drill by now. More under the cut. )

Aug. 24th, 2017



today's batch

We had some weird threads and even weirder responses to those weird threads at Mystic Wish. I mean, if you couldn't tell from the previous throwbacks.

Also, I'm reasonably sure I'll be building a new MW forum. The invisionfree one will still be around for being an archive, just as it's been for a long long time now, but yeah. This IJ community will probably be used for a purpose the forum won't serve

For now, let's look at more screencaps.

And of course, this is only a taste of what I'm posting. The rest are under here. )

Aug. 17th, 2017



Accurate Dragons

Hey, been busy setting up some new things & working on projects so I haven't had any ideas for posts aside from throwbacks, but I'll edit & post my DD playthrough here once I finish it. For now, have more old screencaps.

I don't really have a theme to give you [again]... I think I need to go looking for some threads that deserve entire posts dedicated to them soon

Brando pls. As usual, this image is masking more under the cut. )

Aug. 10th, 2017




I didn't post a throwback last week because I was at the doctor [which I mention here] then got too tired to do much of anything else because of the commute

Then yesterday I went on the old MW forum and began liveblogging a playthrough of Dual Destinies, if you want to read that. If you don't I'll probably eventually edit & repost it here later, though, just to have it here

So with that out of the way, have today's throwback. No specific theme, I just went through my unposted screencaps stockpile and grabbed the stuff I laughed at the most until I had a good amount :V

Is it too late to make this a Mystic Wish slogan or motto? More under the cut. )

Jul. 27th, 2017



the r4 "scam"

Scam is in quotes because nobody actually had to give up any money. Just time, which, back then, apparently wasn't very valuable considering how much of it was spent on this thread

One of Brando's friends [presumably irl] claimed he'd give an r4 to whoever posted in the giveaway thread the most. Unfortunately for him, years ago, we discovered an invisionfree glitch where you can type a reply into the quick reply box then hit reply several times to make the same post several times within the same minute. If you're using a laptop touchpad you don't even have to do anything but press the click button without moving the cursor by accident.

As you can see by the edit on Kotetsu's post, things went a little far. How bad, you ask?

...I kept the button image in the screenshot because I feel like it's a perfect reflection of what your face probably looks like when you first see the page count.

So let's dive in and see how many of these are repeats, and which are not. Spoiler: It's not many, but still enough to warrant a cut. )

Jul. 20th, 2017



assorted caps

So today's MW throwback doesn't have a particular theme, I'm just dumping some unrelated screencaps. The funnies of various threads. The reason a thread will be remembered. The reason particular activities will be remembered.

Funny pictures. Good posts. Whatever.

from [info]ajbcool's post in the selfie thread

More under the cut. )

Jul. 16th, 2017



Old Graphics

So, who wants to see more of my old photoshop work? lmao I don't even have a working photoshop installation on any of my computers any more, I was always impatient waiting for that program to boot up and sai boots instantly THEN I discovered FireAlpaca. There was a free [legal] distribution of photoshop cs2 a few years back, I'll try to redownload that sometime and if I can I'll post the link here. But it was legit, it was on my old computer.

And as we all know by now, Photobucket shat the bed, so I've gone and reuploaded all my old graphics I hosted on there.

This was the very first thing I did in Photoshop and it wasn't even for myself. I looked up like five different tutorials to do this.

More here. Naturally, image-heavy )