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Oct. 9th, 2017


Just a quick note.

This weekend removing deleted/purged journals from community - if by change your journal accidentally gets removed just readd!

Also don't forget we have other communities (We's like to get them active again!)

[info]6wordstories - A post of six words to start a thread or a net post for anyone to tag.

[info]smutty6ws - The smutty version of Six Words. Please read the rule before applying. We do check to see if the journal is a character journal and the mun and muse is 18+ on the user info.

[info]sceneandsay - A community that doesn't limit your first post, say anything you'd like.

[info]sceneandsaysmut - A Smutty community that doesn't limit your first post. Please read the rule before applying. We do check to see if the journal is a character journal and the mun and muse is 18+ on the user info.

[info]replytomymeme - A community to meme's geared toward your muses and a bi-monthly How Am I Driving Meme for players can talk OOC about how they are portraying their muses.

Dec. 24th, 2012


Just a quick note.

I open the tags for members to add since I've got behind in adding tags.

Please tag with the system I have set up already.

Thank you.

Also don't forget we have other communities

[info]6wordstories - A post of six words to start a thread or a net post for anyone to tag.

[info]smutty6ws - The smutty version of Six Words. Please read the rule before applying. We do check to see if the journal is a character journal and the mun and muse is 18+ on the user info.

[info]sceneandsay - A community that doesn't limit your first post, say anything you'd like.

[info]sceneandsaysmut - A Smutty community that doesn't limit your first post. Please read the rule before applying. We do check to see if the journal is a character journal and the mun and muse is 18+ on the user info.

[info]muses_wanted - A community were you can pimp for muses wanted.

[info]promptsformuses - In January this will pick up again. Prompts will be provided to let you write something for or about your muses.

[info]replytomymeme - A community to meme's geared toward your muses and a bi-monthly How Am I Driving Meme for players can talk OOC about how they are portraying their muses.