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Aug. 10th, 2014


Your Muse: Albus Potter
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Muse wanted: Any of the other HP characters, but especially Lily Luna, James Potter, Lily Potter, the Weasleys (including cousins), Hermione Granger, and Narcissa Malfoy.
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Slightly skewed canon up until the epilogue, then AU from there.
Description of what you are looking for: Family!
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]hemlockmod
Contact info: Comment here or PM the journal.
Anything else: Nope.

Oct. 24th, 2013


Your Muse: Narcissa Malfoy
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Muse wanted: Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks, Rodolphus Lestrange, Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, more Harry Potter people in general!
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: Fandom castmates for Cissa, or family members.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]badbloodmod
Contact info: Here or in the journal.

Mar. 13th, 2013


Your Muse: Regulus Black
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Muse wanted: Specifically, Severus Snape and Sirius Black - but anyone from the HP 'verse would be awesome!
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: Would really like a Severus and a Sirius to play my Regulus against. We have Harry Potter and Tracey Davis from the HP 'verse, and we really want more. The rest of the Trio, Luna, Ginny, any Weasley, Malfoys, the Marauders era, the Next Gen kids, Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws. The lesser known characters. We just want more HP charries.
Location of where said muse will be played: This game: Land of Make Believe
Contact info: This post, or the journal, or by email - the.shanklander@gmail.com
Anything else: N/A

Nov. 27th, 2012


Your Muse: Hermione Granger
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Muse wanted: Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Canon
Description of what you are looking for: I'd like a Harry for a best friends line (that I'm open to developing into something more as the line progresses, or just keeping them as best friends). I would like a Draco for an eventual romantic line, but one that would take a long time to develop and would involve a lot of snark and meanness to start with, and perhaps be a darker line.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]throughtime via [info]throughtimemods
Contact info: This journal or this post.
Anything else: Nope.


Your Muse: Meaghan McCormack
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Muse wanted: Kirley Duke, the lead guitar player of The Weird Sisters and any quid male player for her to have a interest/rival with.
Canon/AU/Crossover/OC: Doesn't matter
Description of what you are looking for: Interaction with family and possible interest/rival line.
Location of where said muse will be played: [info]thealleys
Contact info: Here is fine
Anything else: Nope.