Bridget McKennitt
17 July 2009 @ 03:53 pm
Snow White  
Snow White by [info]bitterfig
Fandom: Kill Bill
Pairing: Beatrix Kiddo (The Bride)/O-ren Ishii
Summary: Upon O-ren’s death, Beatrix remembers the once upon a time story of them together.
Beta Reader: Nzomniac
Word Count: 616
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Yuri. Violence. Language (it’s based on a Quentin Tarantino movie, what the fuck do you expect).
Author’s Note: This was written for [info]femslash_today’s Love Bites 2 Valentines Day Porn Battle using the prompt “Kill Bill, The Bride/O-ren Ishii, Snow White”