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What if question # 3 [23 Apr 2008|05:51am]
[ mood | contemplative ]

You guys know you love these questions. Lets say the doctor told ya you have 24 hours to live. First of all I know that's like a depressing question, but lets just say that all you have to live. What would you do that whole day? Would you throw caution to the wind and do all the shit that you were afraid to do before? Can't wait to see these responses.

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What if question # 2 [23 Apr 2008|08:59am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Alice Nine-white prayer ]

Let's say your attracted to someone and you like to spend more time with them eh? How do you let them know your interested and ask them on a date~ Would you act as if your not draw them too you. Or just jump right in and hope they don't reject you too bad. Haha Come on give me some interesting replies~

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Go tigers.. [23 Apr 2008|07:57pm]
Muses Name: Nishimura Kyo
Muses band/solo: Dir en grey
Muses LJ: [info]aku_no_warumono
Muses AIM sn: akaii tsuki

Grade: 11
Age: 17
Activities: choir, poetry club president.
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[ viewing | April 23rd, 2008 ]
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